Back to Basics: Our Basic Weekly Plan



It has happened again – I have gotten a little slack on some of my household routines.  Our routines regarding meal planning and bill paying never falter, but the ones regarding cleaning and de-cluttering get neglected at times.   So it is back to basics for me!   After a little motivation from seeing my daughter-in-law’s weekly plan on her fridge, I decided I need to get back on track.  The best plan to start for me is my weekly plan!

  I last reveiwed my routine in August 2011, as you can see from reading that post,  I have tweaked my routines to meet my current needs.   So what once worked, may not work today!   I find it helpful to relook at my rountines each year. 

What better time to get back on track….summer time ….before the big wedding!  


Daily Tasks:

1. Laundry

2. Sort Mail

3. Dishes/Counter/Sweep

4. 15 Minutes Zone/Declutter

5.  Lunches/ Prep Dinner

6.  Tidy Main Areas of House


Monday: – Free Day (Usually Work Late)

Tuesday Living Room/Dining/Entry/Hallway

Wednesday Kitchen/Fridge

Thursday – Downstairs (Rotate)/Menu

Friday – Family Time

Saturday – Bedrooms/Bedding/Bills/Filing/Library

Sunday – Project/Grocery Shopping/Bathroom (Upstairs )

 A weekly plan helps to keep you on track while making sure weekly tasks get done around your house. If I happen to miss the cleaning of the bathroom this Monday, I know I plan on cleaning it again the following Monday. This is my secret to keeping our house looking presentable throughout the week,  though I work full time outside of the home. What are you secrets to a smooth running household??

I am also occassionally participating in the 52 Weeks to an Organized Home Weekly Challenge at the Home Storage Soluntions 101 website.  The site also have a daily missions for Decluttering your Home that start July 1st.  Reminds me of Flylady…but I prefer having the calendar for the month of missions to do!

Check out this free chart that helps you to follow The Flylady Routines!


Jen C

” She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. ” Proverbs 31:27