Labor Day Adventures…..

Labor Day, an extra day off…so we labored!!  It was harvesting day at our house.  Tommy was excited to get out to the garden and pick vegetables.  Then it was up to Mom and Dad to preserve all the vegetable.  That is where the real labor came into play!

Josh told me today that we were lucky I grew up in the middle of no where so I knew how to do things like canning.  Thanks, kid!  By the time I was born, my parents were no longer farming, but we did always have a garden.  We would also go to the huterite colony to get produce to can or freeze for the winter.  So as much as I complained about growing up in the rural area, I am truly blessed to have skills in sewing, gardening, cooking, canning and being very frugal!   Thanks Mom and Dad.  This way I can teach my city slicker hubby and son how to do all these things.  Just a family of urban farmers, ok…maybe not, but we do can food from our garden! 


The first wave of Roma Tomatoes and Green Peppers.


Hubby processing the pickles.  Don’t drop them…..oops too late! 


The finished product…I used a mix for pickles this year.  I have never done that before, it sure saved time.  I hope they are good as it was easier to do.   


I cut up all the green peppers and flash froze them.


Then the peppers were bagged and vacuumed sealed. 


Time to process the tomatoes for canning.  Today we made tomato sauce.  Josh, hubby and I washed, cored and quartered all those tomatoes.


The end result…..16 pints of tomato sauce. 

Now a very tired couple is heading to bed after laboring all day on Labor Day!!  Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day.  We have a sick little guy this evening so I am not sure he will be making it to the first day of school. I am not sure if he is just nervous or sick.   We will have to wait and see how he is in the morning.

Happy Labor Day !!