MENU PLAN MONDAY – February/Week #3


It is that time again!!!  Time to make your week go better with a little planning.   Menu planning is a time and money saver.  I am frequently asked how I spend so little on groceries.  I only buy what I know I will be using that month.  And yes, I only get groceries once a month.  This has decreased my spending even more as I am in the store less often to splurge on treats!   And remember, always shop with a list!

Each week I put away $100 of our money to save towards grocery shopping at the end of the month.   It works wonderfully and I usually have money left to spare after buying everything on my list. 

Last week, I made many meals that I have made before.   I had one new thing on the list, but didn’t end up making it!  Favorite meals of the week included, Chicken Risotto, Baked Ravioli and Chilli and chilli Dogs.   I always make chilli and save enough to have chilli dogs later in the week.  YUMMY!!!

We have plenty of leftovers from this week so today I will not be making what in planned and will be have “Old Coyan Buffet” for supper.   This is where we make a buffet with all our leftovers.  For some reason when I call it “old Coyan Buffet”, everyone is excited about it.  

Have a great week!!!!  Remember a little planning will go a long way.




16 –  Easy Beef Enchiladas & Spanish Rice


17 – (3:30 HV) – Pork Chops and Rice  (Didn’t make carry over)


18 – (sorting) – Seafood Alfredo/ Garlic Bread


19 –  French Bread Pizza


20 –(SAT) – Crockpot Angel Chicken over Noodles  – Crock 4-5


21- (SUN) – Pioneer Woman Chicken Strips, Mac N Cheese (box), Fruit



For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Tina at Mommy’s Kitchen  or Laura at Organizing Junkie.


Happy Eating!!