A Week of Random Act of Christmas Kindness

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We continue to perform Random Acts of Christmas Kindness, but I can’t seem to find time to blog about them.   We were not always able to complete the act we had planned, but always found something that we could do to bless someone each and every day!
Acts of Christmas Kindness this week include:
Drive Thru Difference – paid for the lunch of the car behind us at Wendy’s drive through.  It took a bit to convince the drive thru employee this was what we wanted to do!  He said to us, “What do I tell the guy??”  Hubby and I looked at each other and said, “Merry Christmas!”
Shoveling – I will admit this Random Act was completely done by my hubby and sons while I was in bed.  Hubby and the boys went to the church at 6:45am to shovel before the congregation and I came to service!   We experienced a big snow storm in Minnesota and had about 14 inches of snow during that storm.  There was ALOT of shoveling going on!
Treats to church staff – we are blessed with wonderful church staff and brought them treats one morning to let them know how much we appreciate them.
Our furnace needed repair, so of course we blessed the repairman with homemade caramels!  It was cute, he said as I gave them to him, “My grandfather used to make caramels.”  It was nice to remind him of that memory!
Treats and notes of encouragement to friends!  We are blessed with such amazing people in our lives.  It was a great time to remind them how wonderful they are.  We hope we brightened their days.
Generous tip to the Jimmy John’s delivery man.   I order Jimmy Johns about once a month and have it delivered to my office.   I usually have the same delivery man, so this time I gave him a 100%+ tip.  He started to give me change and I said, “Keep the Change”.   He looked at me and said in disbelief, “Are you serious??”   I told him, “Yes, Merry Christmas”   I can’t tell you how many people meet kindness with disbelief.  
Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 14
Today is such a sad day, that I felt the need to bless others with my youngest son!
Our first stop was at Festival to buy two small poinsettias.   We took these to St John’s hospital and gave them to the head nurse to give to patients she felt needed a little brightening of their day!
Next stop – Maplewood Mall
Tommy and I armed ourselves with Coloring books, Crayons and Matchbox cars. We went to the play area near the food court and gave out gifts to families/children there.   We would ask the parents if we could give their child a gift as a random act of kindness.   All said, “yes”.  I was happy to empty our bag as it was HEAVY!  
I found it interesting that one Dad asked me, “What church are you with??”   Hmmm…did we have to be Christians to be doing nice things?   Well, of course we are,and I told which church we attended but I did find the question interesting.   I explained to him that my family is trying to do a Random Act of Kindness each day to shift our focus this Christmas from receiving to giving.  We want to teach our son about compassion, generosity and the true meaning of Christmas.  
Another Dad asked us if we were sure we wanted to give his little girl the coloring book.  Of course we did!!  Merry Christmas dear families – hug those little ones near as they are such blessings.
We had quarters that we used to fill all the little kid candy machines.  While we were filling them two little boys came up and I pointed out to them that there were already quarters in the machines and they should turn the knob!  Oh, the smiles those quarters produced!!  I was impressed that they each turned only two, as every machine had quarters in them!
We had a few quarters left so we taped the exact change to the pop machines too!   I will admit we got a few weird looks, but we have never prided ourselves on being normal!
If being kind is not normal……we don’t want to be normal!
We hope your Christmas season is filled with peace & joy! 

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness



Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 8

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Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 8

Taking my Father In Law to visit our friends at Oak Ridge Place with treats!


Oak Ridge Place is an assistive living in Stillwater.  My inlaws lived there for about 18 months.  The staff was wonderful so we wanted to thank them and let them know that we have not forgotten their kindness.   It was important to our family to have my mother in law live with her husband again, if only for a short time.   A special thanks to Oak Ridge and their compassionate staff for helping that to happen. 


Hubby helping to make treat packets! 


Treats for staff and residents of Oak Ridge Place.   Tommy handed out treats to each resident at Oak Ridge Place.   They were all so appreciative.  We hope they felt blessed today….I know we did!


A lovely lunch with friends…


Friends and the wonderful staff at Oak Ridge Place.


For a special treat, Margaret played the piano for an impromptu caroling session.


The biggest blessing of today…..is my Father-in-law saying afterwards in the car, “I am glad I came!”

We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness


Random Act of Christmas: Day 7

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Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 7

Ringing the Bell for Salvation Army



And why I love my husband……he makes everything FUN!!  Even when I rather not be outside freezing, my hubby makes me smile by singing Blue Christmas!  Singing really did help us keep warm….I am sure we sounded terrible.   But everyone loved hubby’s Blue Christmas. 




I hope that you and your family will choose to Light ‘Em Up with us!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness


Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 6

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Life is strange sometimes or I should say, everything happens for a reason. I was on a home visit today for work and a mother asked me about Christmas Toy Programs. I let her know that I was not sure if the deadline had passed or not, but I will check and call her later today.

As I drive back to my office, I find myself thinking of a Christmas that I have often thought of, when I went to such a Christmas Program. It was so meaningful that I still remember to this day one of gifts my son received and that was nearly 20 years ago. He received a stuffed Dalmatian puppy, which he loved. I remember getting the gifts and being so grateful to have assistance that year. But I also remember the embarassment and shame I felt.   

I never really felt poor; we had a roof over our heads, food and love! I adored my little guy and spent time playing with him and just being with him. He was my world. I felt like we had everything we needed. I was attending college and working hard for a better life for us, which with a lot of work and prayer happened for us. I am grateful for our humble beginnings; they have shaped everything about me. Without those experiences I would not be the person I am today. The person I was meant to be, though I am sure God is not done with me yet.

When I get back to my desk….I have an email waiting for me stating that today is the last day to register for the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Program. I let a very happy mom know how to apply and smile at how things seem to happen for a reason.

So today I am thankful for my life and find it interesting that today’s Random Act of Christmas Kindness is to donate to the Toys for Tots program.
Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 6



We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness



Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 4

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Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 4

Poster and Treat for Garbage Collector


John 15:12

12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you



Tommy worked hard to get the sign made and on the trash can the night before.  So we wouldn’t miss the garbage truck in the morning.   Well,in Minnesota weather, duct tape does not hold up over night with the moisture.   So his sign was on the ground and the truck was coming!!

So plan B – Tommy runs outside with the sign when the garbage man comes and stands in the driveway with his sign.   Big smile from the garbage man and he yells thank you! He lets Tommy run up to the truck to give him the candy canes. I hope we made his day! –

Tommy is very excited…he is really starting to get it. He is seeing how even a small gesture can really bless someone. Tommy is already asking if we can do this again next year.

We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!


Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness



Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 3

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Random Act of Christmas Kindness:  Day 3

Prepare and send care package to MN Soldiers in Afghanistan

Galatians 5:22 
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,goodness, faithfulness,


We have been including our neighbor boys in our missions when we are able!  Today, the boys all colored Christmas pictures and wrote messages to our troops in Afghanistan.  One of the neighbor boys asked, “Are you just doing this for fun??”

We were able to have a great conversation about what it would be like to be so far away from your families and that by being kind to others we are sharing God’s love with others.   One little boy wrote the sweetest note that nearly brought tears to my eyes.   The heart of a child……..amazing!

We were able to find a MN unit to support in Afghanistan through the Any Soldier website.  We read about the unit and saw pictures of them as well.   With children it is also good to make things concrete.  The soldiers stated the water tasted bad and they would like some drink mix.   So we mailed them boxes of drink mix and about 100 granola bars along with our pictures and letters.



Coloring for the troops!


Package is ready to be mailed on Monday! 


We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness


Random Acts of Christmas Kindness: Day 2

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Random Act of Christmas Kindness:  Day 2

Take Cookies/Holiday Treats to our neighbors who have recently lost spouses or are single.

James 1:27

27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.



We put a card on our gifts saying, “You’ve been RACK’ed!” and explain a bit about what we are doing.  Oddly enough many people wonder about you when you are doing nice things! 


Christmas can be a hard time for many people for a variety of reasons.   Today, we are thinking about our neighbors who have recently lost their loved ones or are single this Christmas.   Christmas time is so full of memories.  We hope our kindness will brighten the day of those who might be struggling this Christmas.  My husband lost his mother last January and she is in our thoughts everyday, but especially at the holidays.


I let the boys go to the neighbors alone to deliver.  I was out front as they as they were at our neighbors house and I could hear them singing, “We Wish you a Merry Christmas!”  The singing was an idea of all their own!  They were having so much fun!


The boys dancing and singing Christmas carols through the yards to deliver their goodies.


We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness




Random Acts of Christmas Kindness: Day #1

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Today is Day #1 of my family’s quest to perform a Random Act of Chirstmas Kindness (RACK) each and every day until Christmas!

Random Act of Christmas Kindness (RACK) Day #1 – This evening we went to Feed My Starving Children to package food. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and FMSC ships the meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. The food our family packed this evening will go to feed children in Uganda.

Watch this video to learn more about Feed My Starving Children.



The Coyan Family shines their light at Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids, M N.


Waiting for the orientation to start at Feed My Starving Children



We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout  the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness



Matthew 25:35 
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.


Random Act of Christmas Kindness – Kick Off Event


This year our family is going to Light ‘Em Up all around White Bear Lake!   We have been busy preparing and planning.  We could hardly wait to let our light shine!

Tommy held a supply drive at his school to benefit the homeless at Union Gospel Mission.  Our kickoff event was to deliver all the items to the Mission to benefit the homeless this Christmas.


We counted and sorted all the donations with the help of some friends!


Here is the tally of what was collected – We are so grateful for the generousity of Magnuson Christian School, Member of First Lutheran Church and employees of Dakota County!

Thank you for your help!

Razors – 82

Toothbrush – 67

Toothpaste – 32

Bar soap – 138 bars

Dental floss – 15

Winter hat – 33

Clothes – 2 boxes

Winter socks – 49 pairs

Comb – 76

Chap stick – 40

Nail clipper – 11

Winter gloves – 12  pairs

Travel Body Lotion – 23

Shaving cream – 22

Deodorant – 29

Candies – Individually Wrapped – 11.5 pounds

Body Powder – 1

Travel Shampoo – 17

Travel Conditioner – 27

Blankets – 6


We loaded up the van and were on our way!!





Unloading at Union Gospel Mission in St Paul, MN .


Staff at Union Gospel Mission received Tommy and his donations with a TON of enthusiam and gratitude!

They had asked if they could have a photographer there when Tommy came to drop off his donations.  At first I was upset that they were making such a big deal of it, until they explained. They were taking Tommy’s picture to put in the mission newsletter to remind the guys that they are not forgotten, invisible or unloved this holiday season. This little boy wanted to help them becuase he cares about them. 

As a person who prefers to keep my giving more quiet, I learned something from the men at Union Gospel Mission.  Some times it is actually the act of giving itself that is the true gift.  To a population of men who feel so forgotten and invisible it means a great deal to them to see that someone went to the trouble to help them.

It was a great experience and as we drove away, Tommy said, “Can we do that again next year?!?!”  Yes, son, we can…..we are not about to forget those who feel invisible and unloved.

What a great way to kick off  Light ‘Em Up 2012 with our family!


Coyan Family – Lighting Up WBL with Kindness


Check back as we continue to light up our community with Random Act of Christmas Kindess (RACK)!!


1 Thessalonians 5:12-15   12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you.13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.