Well, I am on vacation with my family. Where are we going, you ask??? This is a working vacation. Do you have a list of projects that you need to complete and no time to get them done? We are trying to tame that list a bit. The first few days of the vacation only I was off so I took care of some projects of my own….I have been staying very busy.
Thursday – First day of my vacation – to Tommy’s school to pick up stuff and figure out what is left to do for the “End of the Year Picnic” for the school. Lost my car keys in the church that morning..GRRR. Snuck in my dental cleaning since I was off for the day. My Dr canceled my appointment so only had to sneak in the dentist. Then off to Sam’s to pick up the last of the supplies for the picnic. Delivered to the church and home to take care of some treasurer business for the parent organization and make a deposit to the bank. Still have one more to do. Back to help set up for and enjoy the “End of the Year Picnic” for Magnuson School.
Friday – Volunteered in Tommy’s classroom. Stayed to watch the 2nd grade talent Show. Home to relax a bit and then took kids to the movie Karate Kid 2 to celebrate the beginning of summer vacation! Made Tommy’s requested meal of beef Enchiladas and Spanish Rice. Stayed up and watch “Dear John” with hubby.
Saturday – tried to sleep in a bit….rain, rain, rain…..went to Sam’s graduation party. Stayed up late and watched a 1972 movie filmed in Duluth at Glensheen mansion called “You’ll Like My Mother”.
Sunday – Tommy’s Piano Recital (see video in post below). – watched “You’ll Like my Mother” again with family.
Monday the real working vacation starts. Project #1 is to clean out the garage and have a sale on Saturday. When we added the 5th bedroom to our house, we simply took everything out of the basement and stored it in the garage. We needed move it all quickly so the contractor could start on the bedroom quickly. We were on a bit of a time crunch as Josh needed to move back home. So we didn’t go through a single box, just piled it into the garage.
Now we are spending all week going through and sort all the boxes and pricing what we no longer need.

These are the before pictures of our garage. I will take a picture at the end of each day to share. It feels good to be working on this as it has been a project that really overwhelmed me.
Project # 2 for our working vacation – I need to finish planting my garden if it ever stops raining. I need to plant peas and green beans still. I need to start weeding as well.

Project #3 – finish Tommy’s mural in his bedroom. I have worked on it a bit and finished the pirate ship. There isn’t too much left. It is just a matter of finding time to paint. I love painting, so I will be a bit sad when it is done.
While it does feel very good to get some work done on these projects, I would rather sick in the outdoor porch and read with the kitty. He is enjoying the weather and being out side.
Project #4 – all proceed from the garage sale will be going to FINALLY finishing the treehouse. We will buy the wood to add the steps. This is a project that was started nearly 10 years ago when Josh was little.
Project #5 – complete the deck addition to extend our current deck to the garage.
As you can see we have grand plans. I will be happy to have Project #1 – 4 done by the end of the summer. I remind myself how blessed I am to have men in my family that are willing to help me with projects like that. I would never get to any of this with out my wonderful hubby and son.
Hope everyone is having a great summer so far! It feels good to be back to blogging again. I am still trying to catch up on all your blogs.
Well time for me to get outside and get busy on the garage.