It has been a good holiday season for our family. We were lucky to be able to be with much of our family and enjoyed our time with them greatly. Our hearts ache for our family and friends that were faced with tragedy this holiday season.
Our second event of the holiday season is Coyan Christmas! We have the entire Coyan family to our home to celebrate the holidays together. We are blessed to be able to be with family for the holidays each year.
Paul’s Mom and Dad.
Julie (SIL) and Dale (BIL)
My nieces – Kristen and Lisa
A new guest to Coyan Christmas, Chrissi (Bob’s GF) and my nephew Bob.
Joe introduced his GF, Jennifer to us as well this holiday season.
Cousins hanging out in Josh’s room.
My Sister in Laws – what blessings to me.
Christmas Eve – what a blessing to have all our children with us for Christmas Eve.
Our Tree and Gifts..
My Boys….
The Appetizer Buffet..
The boys love sparkling juice!
Kaleb (nephew) and Steve (BIL) celebrated Christmas with us!
Goofy boys with full tummies!
All my Boys….what a blessing!
Blessing – brothers spending time together!
Blessing – a wonderful hubby to cook with!
Learned how to make Pork Crown Roast!
Son and Dad spending some time together.
Though this might look like a usual Holiday season at our house, I am especially thankful this year for the blessings of family! This year over the Christmas break many people around us experienced tragedy and loss. One of Tommy’s school mates, lost her father and one of the children from Tommy’s soccer team also lost his father over Christmas. A friend of mine lost his granddaughter at the age of 3-1/2 to the battle with leukemia. My hearts go out to each of those families. My thoughts and prayers have been with them throughout this holiday season.
Hug those close to you and remember how blessed you are!!