Mother’s Day Weekend…….

The gift I desire every Mother’s Day is the assistance to get my garden ready for planting.   My wonderful hubby rented a tiller this morning and after 4 hours and some stump removal my garden plot is ready to go.  The plot is a bit larger this year, it is approximately 25″ x 20″.  


Hubby and Steve getting the garden ready.


The Mother’s Day Weekend Work Crew:   Josh, Amy, Steve and Hubby.   Everyone took their turn in tilling the garden, even Amy.   I enjoyed watching everyone from by the bonfire.  


Tommy’s job for the day was to drive his truck into the swamp and fill it up with leaves.  Then he would drive back to the garden and Dad would till the leaves into the garden. 


This is where I tend to spend most of my summer.  I can’t wait until it gets a bit warmer so I can spend the evenings out reading my book.   Josh and Amy surprised me last weekend and came over the put this all up for me.  They are soooo  good to me!  I truly appreciate them both very much. 


After the everyone was done with the garden prep, we headed off to buy seedlings and garden seeds.   This year we have only decided to grow the things that we are good about freezing and get eaten the best.   This year we will be planting, Roma Tomatoes, Cherry tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, green beans, sugar snap peas, broccoli, carrots, radishes, peppers and cucumbers.   I also will have a small herb garden up on the deck in planters.  This year I am planting, Cilantro, Parsley, and Sweet Basil.  


Our garden plot awaiting planting……I have to work at church in the AM, but plan on planting in the afternoon.  I hope the weather cooperates.   Today my back is really hurting and I don’t feel up to planting.   Tomorrow is another day, right??

I hope that I am now back to blogging.  I started hanging out on facebook and not blogging.   I need to keep up my blogging as it is like a scrapbook for me.   Even though I haven’t been blogging I have been keeping up with all of you.   I have especially been praying for a lovely xanga friend who is struggle through chemo.  You and your family are often in my thoughts.    

I am on vacation this week due to having some medical tests completed on Wednesday so you should be seeing me posting a bit more.  


Jen C