Random Act of Christmas Kindness – Kick Off Event


This year our family is going to Light ‘Em Up all around White Bear Lake!   We have been busy preparing and planning.  We could hardly wait to let our light shine!

Tommy held a supply drive at his school to benefit the homeless at Union Gospel Mission.  Our kickoff event was to deliver all the items to the Mission to benefit the homeless this Christmas.


We counted and sorted all the donations with the help of some friends!


Here is the tally of what was collected – We are so grateful for the generousity of Magnuson Christian School, Member of First Lutheran Church and employees of Dakota County!

Thank you for your help!

Razors – 82

Toothbrush – 67

Toothpaste – 32

Bar soap – 138 bars

Dental floss – 15

Winter hat – 33

Clothes – 2 boxes

Winter socks – 49 pairs

Comb – 76

Chap stick – 40

Nail clipper – 11

Winter gloves – 12  pairs

Travel Body Lotion – 23

Shaving cream – 22

Deodorant – 29

Candies – Individually Wrapped – 11.5 pounds

Body Powder – 1

Travel Shampoo – 17

Travel Conditioner – 27

Blankets – 6


We loaded up the van and were on our way!!





Unloading at Union Gospel Mission in St Paul, MN .


Staff at Union Gospel Mission received Tommy and his donations with a TON of enthusiam and gratitude!

They had asked if they could have a photographer there when Tommy came to drop off his donations.  At first I was upset that they were making such a big deal of it, until they explained. They were taking Tommy’s picture to put in the mission newsletter to remind the guys that they are not forgotten, invisible or unloved this holiday season. This little boy wanted to help them becuase he cares about them. 

As a person who prefers to keep my giving more quiet, I learned something from the men at Union Gospel Mission.  Some times it is actually the act of giving itself that is the true gift.  To a population of men who feel so forgotten and invisible it means a great deal to them to see that someone went to the trouble to help them.

It was a great experience and as we drove away, Tommy said, “Can we do that again next year?!?!”  Yes, son, we can…..we are not about to forget those who feel invisible and unloved.

What a great way to kick off  Light ‘Em Up 2012 with our family!


Coyan Family – Lighting Up WBL with Kindness


Check back as we continue to light up our community with Random Act of Christmas Kindess (RACK)!!


1 Thessalonians 5:12-15   12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you.13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.