Back To School Boot Camp for Mom – Introduction

The smell of school supplies are in the air!!   The summer is starting to wind down and I am getting ready for school to start.  I have really slacked off on all my routine this summer and I am feeling very stressed by this.  Therefore, it is back to school boot camp time for this mom!  The success of the morning at our house really is up to me.  I set the tone and attitude for the morning with my children.  Towards the end of the year, the success of our mornings really deteriorated. 

I will be doing a series of articles regarding various back to school topics that are important to me.  It is time for me to get back to my routines and get ready for the morning routine of our school days!  You might be asking why am I starting already.  A couple of the areas I REALLY struggle with and it will take me until September to get back on track in those areas.  Below are some of the topics I am thinking about and taking steps to get these areas ready for school.  If there are topics or questions you might have, please let me know and I will make sure to cover them if I can. 

Back to School Topics:

1)  Morning Routine
2) Calendars – include how I use Yahoo Calendars
3) Tracking Important Papers/ Phone Numbers – binder and school wall
4) Household Cleaning Routines
5) Menu Planning
6) Kid Organization – back pack/
7) Laundry
8) Lunches
9) Bedtime Routine
10) Bill Paying
11) Mail Management

The success of this series will depend on my readers’ participation.  I know other moms must also struggle with the overwhelming tasks of being a mother/household manager.  So please join me and together we will have the best kick off to a new school year ever!!   Your participation and comments are invaluable.  If you find this series helpful to you, please forward the location to your friends that might benefit from this series as well!

Check back on Wednesday, July 29th for the discussion of my first topic – Morning Routine!!