Car Accident….

Yesterday, hubby was in a car accident.  He was stopped to make a left turn and a guy rear ended him at full speed.   Hubby seems to be ok, but the truck isn’t.    We are home today trying to get a rental and get his truck fixed.   Luckily for hubby, we think the towing package made the damage less than it could have been.  The rear end is shoved forward, but not as bad as it could be. 



The ashpalt company is coming and is going to removed our driveway and sidewalk.   They have to stop by the city and pick up the permit, which was finally approved then they will get to work on our project.    I have book group this evening at my friend Syd’s house.   I had planned on reading the book last night, but with the excitement of the accident, I didn’t get to that.  Oh Well…..we have 6 new members joining our book group.  Tonight will be their first time there.   I hope everyone gets along ok!   

I am taking the day off tomorrow as I need to plan Tommy’s Birthday party!    My parents are also coming tomorrow to visit, so I better get some food planned and wash bedsheets.   Always plenty to do!!

Well time for me to get some things done and head to work.   Have a great day!!

 Jen C


4 thoughts on “Car Accident….

  1. I am so glad that he is ok. I was hit in that back by a  F160 going 35 mph and I was stoped at at a stop sign in a little Toyoda. Did not damage to the truck and totaled my car. I am still fighting it and it happened last Nov. I know he will be stiff and sore today. Pray that everything goes well.

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