What a day….I was hoping to leave work today by 1:00 since I am not feeling very well.  I didn’t get out of there until after 4;00.  ARGH…. The predisone dose doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.  I actually think this burst is a lesser dose than I normally take.  I will have to call the dr to report that I haven’t improved before the weekend is here.  

I came home after I picked up Tommy from work.  While I was on the phone for maybe 2 minutes ordering pizza he got a hold of a crayon and colored the wall in three rooms in about six places.  You have to keep an eye on him.  It is amazing what he can get into in 2 minutes!  

I picked up the van and the repairs cost 600.00 ARGH!!  I hope we are done with repairs soon.  In the last few weeks we have spent almost 2000 in vehicle repairs  It is kiling us!  

The great news……Joshua got a job!!!  He starts on Monday.  He will be in training on Monday from 5:30 to 7:30.  He is going to be working at OLD NAVY.  We shop there alot so the discount will be nice!   His friend Kyle also got a job there.  There both applied at the same time.   He will be working 10 to 20 hours a week.   So he has had his driving priveldges returned to him.  So of course he is going to the movie tomorrow with friends.   He will be paying 50.00 out of each check for his car insurance and the rest will be his spending money.  He is wanting to get a cell phone, but I told him he would ahve to pay for that so he is reconsidering that.   It is a great time to teach him about budgeting.  I don’t believe on handing everything to my children.  They don’t appreciate it as much.  I have yet to even buy a game system and probably never will. 

Off to bed to neb and to read for a while.

One thought on “

  1. If you haven’t tried them yet – Mr Clean Magic Eraser works wonders on crayon.

    HUGS!  I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Congrats to Josh!  Tell him I whole-heartedly regret having spent all my money from high-school.  I wish I would have saved all of it.  It would have made college much, much easier.

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