Morning! Yeah it is Friday! This week has flown by. Which is good I guess. We are always so busy it seems. Hubby was a sweet man again this morning. I am so spoiled. He was leaving for work and I sleep in until 7:00 on Friday’s since Tom doesn’t need to be at preschool until 9:15. I am all out of dt mt dew, which I drink one can each morning. My hubby drove to the gas station and woke me up with one. ….aaah…..was I ever thankful! I try to limit myself to one caffiene drink a day and have water the rest of the day.
LAST NIGHT: Last night Josh did his chores and mopped the floors and did dishes. I did a load of laundry and paid all the bills and did the budget for the week. Hubby and I went over the budget and prepared for another tight month. Tommy took a bath and was in bed at a descent time, but won’t sleep. So when I went to bed he went to bed with me. He and I were asleep before hubby even came to bed. Hubby stayed up and watched a movie.
TODAY: Today is my day to accomplish alot. I try and catch up on work and home things on Friday. On the work front I need to enter my time for the week and complete two ISP’s. I will do that this afternoon while I listen to a book a tape again. This morning is full of personal and household things to get caught up on. For once I am all caught up on laundry so I don’t have to worry about that. I will need to make my menu an grocey list for next two weeks. Tomorrow morning I will go to Aldi and Cub and get some groceries.
I need to drop Tommy off at preschool at 9:15 and then I have a Dr appointment at 9:30 so I will be in a bit of a hurry. After the Dr I will hit Target for pull-ups and a cleaners. I have an appointment to get my hair cut today. I get it cut at the spa, which is a little spendy, but they do a nice job. I found a picture in a magazine of a layered cut that I liked so I am going to get my hair cut like that. It takes almost all my fun money for the week to get my haircut there! Oh Well!!
I officially start weight watchers on Monday. I plan on making three recipes this weekend to freeze and eat for the rest of the week for lunch at work. I am going to make Veggie Burgers which are 2 points and Weight Watchers 1 Pt Hearty Chili. I will alternate those for my lunches at work next week. I hope to make one thing a week after that to have a variety for my lunches. I also am going to make a 0 pt dressing, but I can’t locate that recipe again. I will have to look for that today.
Laundry – 1 load
Dr Appointment
Tommy to Preschool/Daycare
Get haircut
Run Errands at Target
Bedtime Routine
Menu and Shopping List
Committe Minutes – complete and mail
Make Baptism Lambs
Email Sue S. about 2004 Lambs
Complete a couple of Missions in Kitchen
1 Item from the Project for this week List – mend shirt/ work on menu
- Cook Potatoes – I bought two bags on sale and will make Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes or they will go bad on me.
- Clean Laundry Room – 1 shelf
- Finish Menu for the rest of March
- Mend hubby’s two shirts – One done!
That should complete my day. Time to hit the shower and get this day going.
SUPPER TONIGHT: Scalloped Potatoes and Ham
Is it me or do I keep seeing the make ahead mashed potato thing on every entry? LOL