Taking a moment to BREATHE………….

Deep breaths….. I am so overwhelmed at work, you would not believe it.  And a few more new cases in the last few days.  ARGH….and new families that need alot of assistance.   So I am sitting here trying to breathe before running to my next appointment in Lakeville.  Then I will have to figure out which fire to put out when I get back to the office.  My calendar is full, full, full.  I need to appear in court this month, but hoping that pick the one Wednesday I actually have nothing going on.   But of course court will need to be a priority.   I will need to be working late tonight.  At least until I get my court reports done and a dent into this weeks paperwork.   Thursday I am presenting at a workshop in Rosemount for an autism group I think it is….I have not prepared at all!  Do you think the 100 people there will feel cheated if I stand in front of them and just stare at them, unable to put a sentence together?   I suppose I better get something together tonight for that too!

Tomorrow is my day at home!   I have plenty to do, get groceries, finally get my back x-ray done, complete mission trip pw and payment to church and have the oil changed on my van. 

Thursday morning – take Tommy to preschool and attend unit mtg in the AM.  Presentation in Rosemount in the evening.  

Friday- Staffing in the morning and major IEP meeting at noon.  Erik is gone at an activity on Friday night at church so I will probably try and be home to spend time with hubby and Tom.    

BABY STEP….BABYSTEP…….I eat when I am stressed…the candy bowl is my friend today!  I need to stop that or I won’t lose my last 6 pounds! 

Well I am off and running………………..Later!

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