Celebrating Everyday Life: August 4th, 2013

Another week filled with everyday blessings.  I love the summer months in Minnesota.  Summer seems to inspire moments when you look around and see what an amazing world we are blessed with.  The colors and sounds of summer!

My biggest blessing this week is that Tommy came home from camp!  We love hearing all about his fun at camp and how his faith was enriched.  Some of my best childhood memories were at bible camp.

Camp Fun: Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp in Story City, Iowa.

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Ranch Camp: Tommy with his horse, Sundae.  He loved his horse.  He learned how to walk and trot.  He also learned to saddle and groom his horse.  He learned how to wade his horse across a river and the put on a final horse show on Friday, showing what they learned. What a wonderful memory this will be for him!


Tommy raved about the food at Riverside and strengthened his relationship with God.

Around White Bear Lake:




Ryan’s first visit to Cup N Cone in downtown White Bear Lake.



Hubby and I spent the day wandering around White Bear Lake.  We love our hometown and it’s everyday charm.  My hubby has lived in White Bear Lake all his life and has wonderful memories of his childhood all around town.

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I spy a “cute boy”…………think I will follow him.


Cute Boy and I love the Gazebo as it brings back memories of our wedding day!


Fun At Como Park: 

Today, hubby and I took our nieces and nephew to Como Park Zoo.  It was a beautiful day and so good to spend the afternoon together.

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Eating Dippin’ Dots………….Ryan wasn’t so sure about the cold dots his mama was feeding him.


My favorite photo of the day!!  Nic, Chelsea, Ryan and Kristen.


Our family: Hubby and I with our youngest son, Tommy.

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       How cute is he?!?!?





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Someone caught me taking her picture……POSE!!

This picture is sure to leave you with a smile on your face….


Nightly game of tug the bib with Great Grandpa! What a blessing!

Hope your week is filled with wonderful everyday moments with family and friends!


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