Menu Plan Monday: December 17th Edition


Menu Plan Monday
December 1st – December 16th


I am only planning a weeks worth of meals this time.  My plan over the Christmas week is to complete a pantry/freezer challenge in preparation of buying 1/2 of a pig with a friend.   Since I am on vacation over Christmas, I will have time to cook and plan meals to use up everything in the freezers!

Monday – Crispy Baked Tilapia, Roasted Asparagus/Brussel Sprouts/ Baked Potato

Tuesday – Shepherd’s Pie, Buttery Baby Carrots

Wednesday – Italian Steak Salad Garlic Toast

Thursday – Bacon Cheeseburger Pizzza, Tator Tots

Friday – BBQ Nachos

Saturday – Coymas – amazing food by Dan Miller!!!

Sunday – Thai Thighs, Ramen Noodles, Apple Peanut Cole Slaw

**All meals this week are from Emeals – Aldi Classic Family Plan #459


For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Laura at Organizing Junkie. and participate in Menu Plan Monday.

What is on your Menu this week? Wishing you all a wonderful week!!!

Happy Cooking!!

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