Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 6

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Life is strange sometimes or I should say, everything happens for a reason. I was on a home visit today for work and a mother asked me about Christmas Toy Programs. I let her know that I was not sure if the deadline had passed or not, but I will check and call her later today.

As I drive back to my office, I find myself thinking of a Christmas that I have often thought of, when I went to such a Christmas Program. It was so meaningful that I still remember to this day one of gifts my son received and that was nearly 20 years ago. He received a stuffed Dalmatian puppy, which he loved. I remember getting the gifts and being so grateful to have assistance that year. But I also remember the embarassment and shame I felt.   

I never really felt poor; we had a roof over our heads, food and love! I adored my little guy and spent time playing with him and just being with him. He was my world. I felt like we had everything we needed. I was attending college and working hard for a better life for us, which with a lot of work and prayer happened for us. I am grateful for our humble beginnings; they have shaped everything about me. Without those experiences I would not be the person I am today. The person I was meant to be, though I am sure God is not done with me yet.

When I get back to my desk….I have an email waiting for me stating that today is the last day to register for the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Program. I let a very happy mom know how to apply and smile at how things seem to happen for a reason.

So today I am thankful for my life and find it interesting that today’s Random Act of Christmas Kindness is to donate to the Toys for Tots program.
Random Act of Christmas Kindness: Day 6



We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness



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