Menu Plan Monday: January 16th



Menu – 1/16 – 1/29/12

Monday –  January 16th – Creamy Chicken Breasts, Rice, Spinach, Salad

Tuesday – 17th –Italian-Dijon Tilapia/ Stuffing /Lemon Butter Broccoli (E-mealz Aldi 411)

Wed – 18th – Chicken Sausage Soup/ Bread  (E-mealz Aldi 411)

Thurs – 19th – Beef Stroganoff with Green Beans 

Beef Stroganoff

1 lb ground beef
8 oz sour cream
1 can cream of mushroom soup
(1 t salt, 1 t onion powder)
(¼ c water, 1 t beef bouillon cube)
1 pkg egg noodles
1 pkg frozen peas

In large skillet, brown the ground beef; drain.  Add sour cream, soup, salt, onion powder and water to skillet. Heat to a low boil; add bouillon.  Stir to dissolve; reduce heat to simmer.

Boil noodles while preparing meat mixture. Serve stroganoff over cooked noodles. Serve with steamed peas

Friday – 20th – Ranch Burgers – Ceasar Salad – (E-mealz Aldi 411)

Saturday – 21st – Slow Cooker Fajitas (8-9 hours) 

Sunday – 22nd – Cindy’s Beef Stew, Salad, Peaches

Monday – 23rd –  (work late) – Easy Pot Roast with Vegetables

Tuesday – 24th – Mac and Cheese/ Brats

Wednesday – 25th – Fried Eggs and Bacon

Thursday – 26th – (Book Group) – Chef Salad

Friday – 27th – French Bread Pizza

Saturday – 28th – Corn Chowder- Taste of Home COokbook – page 65

Sunday – 29th – Meatloaf / Mashed Potatoes/ Corn

For Next Menu: 

Sausage Potato Soup

Pizza Burgers

Tortilla Soup

Spaghetti Pie  (good – add 2 cups of beef broth to the recipe and mixed vegetables)

For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Laura at Organizing Junkie. and participate in Menu Plan Monday.  Wondering how much I spent when buying groceries for this menu??  Check out my grocery budget post

I am also busy this week again working on completing my grand cleaning plan.   Last week was not a normal week, but time to get back to getting things done around here.  It makes me feel so good to have my menu ready to go.


Wishing you all a wonderful week!!!

Happy Cooking!!


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