Our Weekend of Projects……

Labor Day Weekend always seems to be a time for us to get caught up on things around the house.  It is a bit of an exhausting time off, but I am happy to be getting things done and ready for the school year to start!

Our Projects so far this weekend……

Project #1 – Tommy and I updated the school door with the new menu and info for the new school year.

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Last years art work down and school menu for September up!  We also went through the menu and selected the days he would eat at school and which days he will bring a bag lunch.   

Project #2 – Changed out the mismatched frames in the hall and updated some pictures. 

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As you can see from the first two projects, I am avoiding the bigger projects that need to be completed around our house.     Finally, on Friday evening I could no longer ignore the real things that needed to get done and I had to get started. 

Project #3


Our paperwork and office supplies area.  Way too much junk and unable to find anything.  It is a mess I was not looking forward to digging in to, but no more avoiding it. 


This is what I woke up to on Saturday morning…I had pulled everything out on Friday night but there was no way I was getting this cleaned up before I went to bed.  One thing that drove me nuts was I was finding I had multiples of things.  That is the cost of being disorganized.  Does this ever happen to you, you need mailing labels, your are sure you have them somewhere, but can’t find them!  Of course then you buy new ones!  I am finding this happen to me so much.  It is aggravating.  So I am making real point to store like things together…. I am sure I will find alot more doubles in my future. 


End result – completed by Saturday night. I took out numerous bags of paper to the recycling.  I will no longer print out recipes – pinterest.com and our online cookbook is where I will find my recipes.  One big box of donate items.   I was really starting to throw stuff as the night wore on.  I was definitely getting tired.

Project #4 – Saturday morning, Amy (my future daughter in law) came over and it was time to pause the paperwork/office supplies project as she was here to help me paint the bedroom.  My father in law will be moving in with us in 2 weeks and this will be his bedroom. 


This is how far I had gotten in cleaning out the room by the time Amy came over.  We hauled out the last of the stuff and started prepping to paint.  

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Hubby and Amy both helped me with painting the room.  I am very blessed to have their help!


End Result:  Saturday Evening – Extra Furniture moved out, walls painted and the bedroom ready for Grandpa to move in.   I just need to buy a rug for the floor.  We plan on having grandpa over on Monday for supper and to look at the room.   We still need to get grab bars for shower.   Tuesday, we have a company coming over to give us an estimate on a ramp for the back door to allow access to the backyard for Grandpa. 

Project #5 – Sunday morning – hubby says “look in the paper and see if any corn is on sale”.  Well of course it was on sale!  So we went and bought 120 ears of corn for $24.00 to process and freeze for the winter. 


Whew…I need a little break.  The corn is flash  freezing as I type. We find this makes it easier to vacuum seal as the juice doesn’t mess up the seal.   I can smell a wonderful pork roast in the oven which will be our supper this evening and am enjoying a few moments blogging. 

Well, two more days off of work…..I am sure I will find more projects to keep me busy! 

Happy Labor Day!


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