Menu Plan Monday: July 31, 2011 Edition

Menu Plan


7/31 – Sunday – Chicken Burritos and Mexican Salad

Monday -working late – Spaghetti/ Meat Balls

Tuesday – Katie’s Party – Sandwiches – Potato Salad

Wednesday – Unstuffed Cabbage  – Biscuits

Thursday – Working Late – Chef Salad

8/5 – Friday – French Bread Pizza

Saturday – Pulled Pork Sandwiches (crock pot) and Fried Green beans and Fries

Sunday – Meatloaf – Mashed Potatoes – Green Beans

8/8 – Monday – Book Group – Taco Salad  

Tuesday-  Mexican Skillet Dinner and Cheese Broccoli (e 388)

Wednesday – Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Thursday – Lemon Honey Grilled Chicken . Rice – Veggie / Cukes

Friday – Ham Sandwiches – (2/16 – pg 60) ( bake at 350 for 20 minutes)/ Cucumber Salad

Ham Sandwiches

1/2 cup stick butter, softened
8 onion rolls, split
1 small onion, chopped
2 TBSP poppy seeds
1 tsp dry mustard
1 pound shaved ham
8 ounces sliced Swiss Cheese


Spread butter on cut side of rolls and reserve 1 TBSP butter. Saute onion in remaining butter in skillet until soft, about 5 minutes. Add poppy seeds and dry mustard. Mix Well. Layer Ham, cheese slices and some of the onion mixture on bottom half of each roll. Replace roll tops and wrap in foil. Place on baking sheet and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Saturday – BBQ Chicken Legs/ Corn on the Cob and Beans

Preheat oven 375 degrees F.

Preheat a grill pan or an outdoor gas or charcoal barbecue to a medium heat. Take a few paper towels and fold them several times to make a thick square. Blot a small amount of oil on the paper towel and carefully and quickly wipe the hot grates of the grill to make a nonstick surface.  Arrange the chicken pieces on the preheated grill and cook, turn once mid-way, and cook for a total of 10 minutes. Transfer the grill marked chicken to a cookie sheet and then place in the oven. Cook the chicken for 15 minutes, remove it from the oven and then brush liberally, coating every inch of the legs with the barbecue sauce and then return to the oven for 25 to 30 more minutes, basting the chicken for a second time half way through remaining cooking time. Serve with extra sauce

8/14 – Sunday – Smoky Grilled Pork Chops  – Rice – Veggie


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