February 23rd, already???? Where has the month gone??? I hardly get time to blog anymore beyond my menu. That really is too bad since I love blogging and it is the closest I think I will ever come to scrapbooking or journaling.
The first week of February brought Tommy’s Animal Wax Museum at school. It was very cute!! All the kids looked great. What a wonderful school and teacher Tommy has this year.
What a happy monkey my boy he was!!!!
Our taxes are done and we have received our state and federal returns already. The money has all been earmarked for upcoming expenses. We paid our car insurance in full so we could get our discount, saved some money for Christmas, and paid on our loans. I had hoped to have money left to buy a new dresser for Tommy, but will have to save up for that. I spent one Saturday getting all the paper in our home under control. I shredded everything in the file cabinet and got folders set for the new year.
We decided we will be having a garage sale in June. It is time to get rid of much of what is in our garage and things. Maybe next winter we will park in our garage??? I started by working on Tommy’s room for one day so far. I removed 1 garbage bag of junk and 2 bins of books. I donated one bin to Tommy’s school and will sell the rest in the garage sale. There is still a long ways to go in his room.
As a family we filled bags of food to go to Haiti through the agency Feed My Starving Children. This organization is a local and provides food to 6 countries. It was alot of fun. Tommy, Josh, Amy, Hubby and I all went and donated our time to this worthy cause with other families from Tommy’s school.
And to end my month on a high note (sarcasm), after coming home from taking Tommy to the eye Doctor to get his new glasses, I fell on the ice. I hit my head, earned a trip to the ER and now am home recovering from a concussion. So nothing like having the month go out with a bang!! So I am home nursing a headache and very sore body for a few days. I am so very happy that I did not break a hip or anything considering my history of osteoporosis. That is a blessing…
This coming weekend I hope to be feeling well enough to get groceries for the month and work at Church on Sunday for Magnuson Sunday.
I hope you are all having a wonderful month…………………