MENU PLAN MONDAY -February/Week #4


22 – (HV 4/ MPTP) – Spaghetti/Sausage and Garlic Bread


23 – (HV 2:30) – French Toast and Bacon


24 – Pizza Biscuit Bake 


25 – (BookGroup) –

Easy Chicken & Rice Casserole
Chicken breasts
1 cup rice
1 can your choice cream of … soup
1 packet Italian seasoning mix
2 cups boiling water
Salt & pepper, or your favorite seasonings

Mix soup, rice and Italian Seasoning with 2 cups boiling water. 

Pour into a 9 x 13 baking pan, place Chicken on top and sprnkle with paprika. 


Cover with foil and bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Put in oven at 350.



26 – (Karen’s Retirement) – Tacos

Tacos For A Crowd (crockpot)
2-1/2 lbs. lean ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cans (10 oz) stewed tomatoes
2-3 cans (8 oz) tomato sauce
2 pkgs. taco mix
Salt and pepper to taste
3 dozen taco shells

Brown meat, drain and add onion. Combine stewed tomatoes, tomato
sauce, taco mix and salt and pepper in a crockpot. Add meat
mixture. Cook on high for 1-1/2 hours continue cooking for 2 hours
on medium or the low setting. Serve with shredded lettuce, diced
tomatoes, onions, olives, cheese and sour cream on browned shells


27 – (SAT) –  Baked Ziti


28 – (SUN) –  Rotisserie ChickenRice – Corn


For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Tina at Mommy’s Kitchen  or Laura at Organizing Junkie.

Happy Eating!!

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