The Big Shop…

Today is our one of our big errands days of the the month.  I am super happy with how well we did!!

First, we went to the Library and I got two books I have been wanting to read.  The Cradle by Patrick Somerville and Dear Neighbor Drop Dead by Saralee Rosenberg.  I read about the Cradle in bookmarks magazine and Katie was reading the other books and it sounded like a fun read!

After the library we hit Walmart.  We did most of Tommy’s school shopping.  We bought 3 pairs of uniform shorts @ $10, 6 uniform pants @ $12.00 and 1 pair of black dress pants @ $11.00.  Last year I bought uniform pants at Donald’s, Old Navy, Sear and Walmart.  The only ones that made it through the year were the ones from Donald’s and the ones from Walmart.  The ones from Walmart have double reinforced knees, a must for my guy.   And yes, I buy alot of pants.  I only want to do laundry on the weekends for school!  So we spent $113.00 on pants and shorts for the year for Tommys.  That will be all the clothes he will get for school. 

Next we did our grocery shopping for the next two weeks.  We shopped at Walmart, Bread Thrift Store, Aldi and Festival. 

Groceries for the next two weeks:

Walmart – snacks and drinks – 24.80

Bread Thrift Store – $3.00

Aldi – $ 81.15

Festival  – $ 22.77

TOTAL SPENT: 131.72 or 65.86/week  or $26.34 /person for two weeks!

I will save up the leftover money for groceries to use for items throughout the week or to buy meat in two weeks.  I started using visa gift cards for groceries so it is easy to set aside the money for next time. 

I am off to clean up the kitchen a bit so I can read my book for a while.  Hope you are having a wonderful day!

0 thoughts on “The Big Shop…

  1. WOW. You did great. I could not handle all that shopping in one day and DS would go over the edge if I even tried. LOL

    Last Thursday we went shopping for school supplies. I spent a total of $49.28 for the twins. That included one backpack.

    Today (Aug. 3) I am going shopping for the week. Yesterday I spent the day with my DD#2, sister, neice and great neice. It was much better than grocery shopping.

    This Saturday we will shop for school clothes. They wear uniforms so this week I will buy pants, socks and underwear. Next week at open house I will buy shirts from the school.

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