Shout Out To Participants….

Hello Everyone – I meant to do this yesterday, but I wanted to take some time to tell you about myself and my family.  That might help you to understand why I do some things the way I do. 


Five, soon to be 6 people reside in my home.  My hubby and I, our three kids (Josh, Erik and Tommy) and hubby’s brother make up our household. 


I work full time outside of our house as a social worker with children with disabilities.  My drive to work is about 30 to 45 minutes one way depending on the time of day.  I work at least 40 hours each week out of the house.


I also volunteer hours for different projects at Tommy’s school and our church.  Last year, I volunteered in Tommy’s classroom for a couple of hours each Friday.  I hope to be able to do that again this year.  I am on the executive board for the Parent Organization at Tommy’s school.  I am also a co-coordinator with a friend of mine for a fundraising program selling scrips for the school and church. 


In my free time, (laughing to self) I belong to a monthly book club and enjoying reading, cooking and blogging. 


My hubby is great.  He is helpful around the house and is a great Dad and hubby.  He does struggle with remembering things due to ADHD so that is partly why I am so organized with a home calendar for him to look at.  He does well with email reminders and uses a system of those to keep himself on task.  Hubby works full time at the local college in the computer department.


Josh is our 21 yr old son.  He was a very forgetful and disorganized student in high school.  He has done very well in college and his chosen field of computers.  He relies heavily on his smart phone to keep him on track and his laptop to keep his school stuff organized.  He will be moving back home in a month or so, putting us back to 6 members in our household.  Josh also works full time at the local college and is taking classes to finish up his degree. 


Erik is nearly 17 and struggles with issues associated with his being on the autism spectrum.  He is making great progress, but that requires consistency and structure.  As any parent knows it takes a lot to remain consistent and structured.  He is working on a learning to use a calendar and a daily schedule.  We have various therapists, social workers and support staff that work in our home.  Trust me that will encourage you to make sure your dishes are washed each day.  (I so need to have a dish washer someday)


Tommy is our baby at the age of 7-1/2.  He attends a parochial school and is a very active little boy.  He does keep us very busy with school events and soccer.  As a family we try to be very involved at his school and the church.  I struggle with consistency with Tommy as he is pretty strong willed little guy. 


Well there you have it…my family.  As you can see we are very busy and it takes a lot of effort to keep us all organized.  Please take the time to comment and let us know about your family. 

Happy Friday!

One thought on “Shout Out To Participants….

  1. Hello, my name is Michele. I am a single work outside the home mom of three. I generally work 7:00-3:30 Monday -Friday. Soon my hours my change on Wednesday and Friday. (Wed. 7:00 am- 8:00 pm Fri. 7:00 am- 11:00 am)My DD#1 is 17 years old and has Fibromyalgia and suffers the side effects of depression, she also had ADHD. She survives on lists. If it is not on the list it won’t get done.  In the next 2-3 weeks we will find out if she has been expected to a training program to become a Pharm Tech. If she gets in she will move about 1-2 hours away. 🙁 But it is worth the benefits. My DD#2 is one of a 12yr old pair. She is one minute older than her twin brother. She is the typical “middle child”. She has comprehension learning disability. She works twice as hard as her brother or sister to get the same grades. She is also my sporty. She plays basketball and soccer, she loves being part of a team. She is my helper (my life saver)Oh my DS the other part of the pair. It is amazing how one person can make you feel so many emotions at one time. My son is ADHD and Bi-polar. My time is comsumed with “handling” him. It is hard to explain life with my DS whatever he is feeling at the time happy, loving or angry, he feels it 100%. He struggles every second of the day not just to stay focused but to maintain his emotions. He has to be on a schedule. If the plans change without notice it sends him into a downward spiral.Our lives pretty much revolve around school, sports, work and doctors. I like you use a line from Jon & Kate plus 8.”It may be a crazy life. But it is OUR life.”

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