Well I didn’t stay within my budget today very well. Hubby and everyone have been complaining that there is no snack food in the house and I also bought pop. But since I only buy pop once a month, my next shopping trip should be less. Taking Tommy shopping with me sure didn’t help out much either.
Pop, Snack and few groceries at Walmart = 41.82 (scrip cards used)
Aldi – $94.40
Festival – $39.55 (scrip card used)
Total Spent = $175.77 or $87.88 per week for a family of 5
My goal is to stay within $80.00 per week for our grocery. I genreally budget $100 a week and I use the extra for things I need during the week or if we happen to eat out once.
We will be moving to a family of 6 full time starting in August. I hope to keep the budget the same. We will see how that goes. Right now I am buying stuff for my BIL to make lunches to take to work. These are convenience foods I would not normally buy so that has increased our food expenditures.
Despite the fact you didn’t stay within your budget, you are still more than HALF BELOW my grocery bill for ONE A WEEK. You are doing better than our family with your budgeting!