Hello everyone….I sure miss posting on xanga, but life keeps getting away from me. It easier to just quickly log into facebook and do a quick status than a real blog post! But I have some pictures from this weekend so I thought I should do a picture blog.
It has been a very busy weekend! Friday morning started off with getting Erik to church to leave for his Mission Trip to Cortez, Colorado.
Erik, Danny and Tommy before packing up for the Mission Trip.
I ended up working Friday as I had a placement to complete. I got back into town around 4:30 and Tommy’s school was lining up for the Manitou Days Parade at 4:50. ARGH!! Hubby and Tommy were already downtown WBL waiting for me. I got to Tommy’s School float just as they were getting ready to leave to line up!
It was great fun participating in the parade. Hubby and Tommy walked and handed out freezies to the crowd. I was on the float refilling bags of Freezies for everyone to hand out. We got home around 9:00 and Kristen came to spend the night with us. We had a snack before bed and got Tommy and Kristen all settled for the night!
We headed to church to check out the community garage sale before I needed to work at the garage sale. Each year there is one lady that is at the sale that has great clothes for Tommy! Again this year we hit pay dirt at her booth. I found soccer cleats, a columbia jacket and a bunch of clothes for Tommy. I spent a totally of 26.00 at her booth.
Hubby took Kristen and Tommy home and I stayed to man the jumpy thing and hand out freezies for the school at the garage sale. I was there from about 10:00 until 1:30. I will say it was hot and time didn’t pass that quickly. But it was fun. Once home I made lunch for everyone and then I took a nap.
Tommy and Kristen cooled down this afternoon with the Slip and Slide.
Hubby, Josh and my BIL, Steve spent the day working on the window well for the egress window! It is almost done!
Hubby and Josh learned how to split the bricks!
The egress window well….I think they are doing a great job!
Tommy and Baby enjoying the piles of dirt from digging the window well.
Tommy garage sale purchase, a green exercise peanut!
As you can see Tommy has been very busy today. He went to sleep right away tonight! Well time for me to finish up here and get to bed as I have alot to do tomorrow!!
Hope you are having a great weekend!!!

Okay, I admit . . . I’m not very smart. What kind of window are you putting in??? Explain, please . . . I’m waaaay confused!
@cherylyn_p – it is a basement window. To be able to put a bedroom in the basement you have to have an egress window. It is a window that meets certain measurements to allow for a fireman to get in and out of the window with full gear on. It is code for any bedroom in the basement. We are building the well, then we are having the window professionally put in since they need to cut through the concrete walls on the basement.