Updated Reading Totals…..

I forgot to update this at the end of the year……but since I was reading again I thought I would see how I did last year.  You can tell that my work has been getting increasingly more stressful, which is shown in the steady decrease in my reading.

I sure hope that 2009 shows a decrease in stress and an increase in books read!!!

Jen’s Books Read Totals

Books Read in 2002 –  12

Books Read in 2003 –  30

Books Read in 2004 –  20

Books Read in 2005 –  47

Books Read in 2006 –  30

Books Read in 2007 –  35

Books Read in 2008 –  30 

Books Read in 2009 –        


Total Since 2002 – 204 books

0 thoughts on “Updated Reading Totals…..

  1. I never really thought about counting the books I read, although it’s always interesting reading what you’ve read (if that makes sense lol) I read a lot more now that I have my Kindle. I have over 150 books on it right now, and am reading a few at a time, depending on my mood. I just finished The Shack. It was really good.

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