Library Loot: 2/7/09

library loot

I found a great weekly memo co-hosted by Alessandra of Out of the Blue and Eve from A Striped Armchair.  This meme encourages bloggers to share the books they have checkout from the library.  Our family goes to the library every Saturday.   This week I was sick, but hubby went to the library for me.  Below is what I currently have checked out from our local library!!


Audio Books:  The Lace Reader – Brunonia Barry
All He Ever Wanted -Anita Shreve
Three Cups of Tea – Mortenson

Books:  What Can I Bring Cookbook?
Desperation Dinners! – Mills & Ross
Desperation Enertaining – Mills & Ross
Cheat. Fast. Good! – Mills & Ross
Guide to Minnesota Vegetable Gardening
A Minnesota Gardener’s Companion –



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