Menu Plan Monday…..

In a runt on what to cook???  Head over to Laura’s site “I’m an Organizing Junkie ” and see what the many participates on Menu Plan Monday are having this week!!


Last week, we found some new family favorites!!  We likes the hamburger soup

and the Easy Parmesan Chicken.

Melt in Your Mouth Chicken –  (was too watery so will remake with less liquid) 

Bake Potato Soup (VERY GOOD!! – Restarant quality according to hubby)





Menu Planning November 17th – November 23rd

Monday – Frozen Ravioli / Sauce / Sausage-


Tuesday – Homemade Chicken Soup x 2 (Rotisserie Chickens to the Rescue Cookbook Pg 99) and Grilled Cheese


Wed –  Filled Chicken Breasts (buy 4 more)/ Boxed Pasta/ Veggie



Thursday –


*Hash Brown Soup


*1 sauteed onion (from freezer)

*3 cans chicken broth

*1 large bag frozen Hash Browns

*1 can Cream of Celery Soup (substitutions)

*1 can Cream of Chicken Soup (substitutions)

*1-1/2 cups milk

*1 pound Velveeta Cheese

Combine onion and broth, bring to boil. Add hash browns, bring to boil. Add soups (don’t dilute) and milk, bring to boil. Add Cheese. Heat until cheese melts. Optional, serve with bacon bits on top.

Dinner Rolls


Fri – Movie Night – Hamburger/ Fries/


Sat – Enchiladas Meat

Beef Enchiladas

*2 lbs. ground beef (from freezer)

*3 tablespoons vinegar

*3 garlic cloves minced

*1 1/2 tablespoon chili powder

*1 1/2 tsp salt

*1 package corn tortillas (24)

*2 cans Enchiladas Sauce

*1 cup refried beans (from below)

*2 cups Sharp Cheddar Cheese shredded

Mix thawed (cooked) ground beef from freezer with vinegar, garlic, chili powder and salt. On your tortilla spread a light coat of refried beans down the middle, top with beef mixture and then cheese.  Tri fold and place tri fold down in 9×13 pan.  Once your pan is full pour a can of sauce on top and sprinkle with cheese.  This recipe will make two pans.  One can of sauce for each pan. Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes.

Adapted from Betty Crocker, submitted by Lisa H.

Spanish Rice

*3 T. olive oil

*1 medium onion chopped

*1 clove garlic minced

*1 green pepper chopped, seeded

*1 c. long grain rice (or brown rice* for healthier version)

*2 c. chicken broth (if you are using brown rice add extra water)

*2 T. tomato paste

*1/2 t. cumin

Saute onion, garlic, and green pepper in oil until transparent. Add rice and brown until lightly browned. Mix the rest of the ingredients and add to pan. Cover and cook 20-25 minutes (longer, closer to 45 minutes, for brown rice).

Sun – 23rd GROCERY DAY – Pork loin and Baked Potatoes/ Veggie



Ideas for Next Menu – Baked Ziti

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