Quick Update…

Life continues to be going in fast forward.  I sure miss connecting and reading everyone’s blogs.    Hopefully soon I will have a few minutes to myself.   Until then….here is a quick bullet point of happenings in our home.

  • Josh received a promotion at the college.  He will be the Share Point Administrator, an ITS2 position, as soon as his replacement is hired.  We are very proud of him.   He is still living in his townhome with friends.  I still miss him, but he does stop by at least weekly to see me.  I just love that boy!
  • Erik turned 16 on Sept. 26th!  I can hardly believe it.  He seems to be doing very well at his new school.  We went to open house and met all his teachers.  He seemed to enjoy showing us around. 
  • Tommy is keeping us so very busy with soccer practice, soccer games, swimming lessons and Boy Scouts each week!!   Not to mention school, homework and piano lessons. 
  • On Sept 15th, my BIL, Steve moved in with us.   This was unexpected so it took some rearranging and coordinations to make it happen.   I think we are doing well and have adjusted to an additional member in the household.  Steve is actually pretty helpful around the house.
  • I missed 2 days of work last week due to a sinus infection.  ARGH!! No time to be sick!   My Dr gave me antibiotics and I seem to be on the mend. 
  • I am volunteering at Tommy’s school about 2 x a month.  Families have to do so many hours of volunteer work or pay additional tuition.  
  • My real life book club is going crazy.   Alot of controversy which I really am uncomfortable with.  We did add 5 new members.   Seems a bit Jr. High like to me.   
  • I am working on a very exciting project at work with the Sheriffs department.  It was recently written up in the paper, which I was unhappy about as it increased the pressure on us to get the program up and running.  I am afraid it has become somewhat political.  It is an election year for Cty commissioners. 
  • Hubby is busy at work and with our busy life.  
  • This weekend we are going to the Water Park of America to celebrate Erik’s 16th Birthday.
  • Next week we are having a new cooktop installed in the kitchen.
  • Baby our Chihuahua is having surgery (spaded) next week. 
  • Next Month we have Tommy’s Birthday (Age 7) and Erik will be confirmed. 

Well those are the highlights from the last few weeks!!!   I hope all is well with you all.  I am going to try to stop by and get caught up very soon!!

Jen C

0 thoughts on “Quick Update…

  1. Sounds like a whirlwind! lol.  Happy Birthday to your boys! Celebrating is always so much fun!  And Congratulations on Josh’s promotion!  Sounds pretty impressive for someone his age!  I hope you get a chance to relax at the water park a little!

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