Grocery Shopping…

I thought I did really well on Grocery Shopping.  I guess I could have done much better, but I saw a number of things that were a good deal, but not on the list.   I still ended significantly under budget.  YEAH!!

Aldi –  $64.45

Festival – $30.25

TOTAL – $94.70 for at least two weeks of groceries.  That is less than $50.00 a week so that is really good. 

Additional Items from Aldi:

  • 10 lb Russet Potatoes – I was only going to buy a few potatoes, but this was a good deal.  So I am going to change my menu a bit.  I will use my cubed ham to make Scalloped Potatoes and Ham.   – 2.99
  • Enchilada Sauce – 2/ 1.19 for a big bottle.  I will use this to make enchiladas with the frozen seasoned meat.  $2.38
  • Rotisserie Chickens – 1/2 off meat as close to sell date.  I will freeze then for future use!   I bought 4 @ 2.75 each.  – $11.00
  • Uncle Ben Rice – 2 @ 1.19 = 2.38 (quick side dish to have on hand)
  • Colgate Toothpaste – peroxide and baking soda kind i like – never seen it at Aldi before so I bought 2 @ 2.29 – $4.58.
  • Kraft Easy Mac – Box for Erik to make for after school – 6 servings for $1.99
  • Wine Coolers – my monthly treat!! – the four bottles will last me about a month – $3.99

Not real outrageous purchases, but it is an extra $29.31 at Aldi.   I am going to start keeping track of how much extra I spend that is not on the list. 

Extra At Festival:

  • Kemps Ice Cream – Gallon Pails – 2 @ $5.49 = $10.98
  • Hershey Syrup for Ice Cream – 1.29
  • Pear Applesauce – Off the Clearance Shelf – 6 x .20 = 1.20
  • Pears – Fresh Fruit for Snacks – 3 for 1.61 (on Sale)

Extra items not on the list at Festival- $15.08 -Total Extra Spent was $44.39

YIKES!!  That was almost 1/2 of what I spent.   I hope this will help me to think before I add something extra to the cart.  It all really does add up!  Way more than I thought!!!

 Tonight for supper I make Honey Roasted Pork Loin, it was really good.  Hubby said it was just like eating at a restaurant.  I also make corn on the cob and rice.  


Does anyone have any idea how you keep squirrels from eating your corn???    We only had 3 meals of corn from our garden as the squirrel kept eating it.   And it was SOOOOO good!!!

Hope you are having a great weekend. 

Jen C

2 thoughts on “Grocery Shopping…

  1. Great job!  I have gotten our grocery bill down to $120.00 for two weeks of groceries.  It use to be $200+ a week.  I need to try a bit harder.  Things sometimes still jump into my cart.  Have a great day.  Sandy

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