I am glad the weekend is here….but also is disbelief in how quickly the week went by.   I am very busy at work with 2 placements.  There is always alot of coordinate with a placement.  I have arranged my work schedule so I have Friday monrings off.   I went to tommy’s school this morning and volunteered for about an hour.  I then came home and payed bills.  While I was ordering our gift cards for next week, I saw that the script company had a special on a couple of cards.   So I started my Christmas shopping.   Believe it our not, I have Susan and Dawn’s families both done.  I am done with my brother and Tommy’s teachers.   I also have part of my mom’s, sisters and SILs gift.   It was very nice to get started.    I am going to keep an eye on what cards are giving a higher return as it gets closer to Christmas.   I have a feeling I will buying alot of gift cards this year!!  

This weekend also is beginning to look fairly busy.  I thought it might be quite enough that I  could work on putting the bookcases together in the guest room/office.   Saturday, Tommy has an early morning soccer game.  we have a couple of errands to run and then we are going to a 50th Birthday Party.  

Tommy would like to get his Halloween costume this weekend.  He wants to be Batman and Noah is going to be the Joker.   I also need to go to Sears and figure out how much my new stovetop will be.  Then I will order gift certificates to pay for it so I can get money back on Tommy’s tuition.  

Sunday after church we will have Brunch at church.  I hope to get groceries after that.  At some point during the weekend I need to make my menu and shopping list.   And of course there is laundry to do!!  Is there ever not???

Tommy starts swimming lessons this weekend.  I hope they go ok for him!

Well I better scoot.  I have not been sleeping very well.   I have been having nightmares about some things going on at work.  ARGH!!!   Sure hope I sleep better tonight.  

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Jen C

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I am glad the weekend is here….but also is disbelief in how quickly the week went by.   I am very busy at work with 2 placements.  There is always alot of coordinate with a placement.  I have arranged my work schedule so I have Friday monrings off.   I went to tommy’s school this morning and volunteered for about an hour.  I then came home and payed bills.  While I was ordering our gift cards for next week, I saw that the script company had a special on a couple of cards.   So I started my Christmas shopping.   Believe it our not, I have Susan and Dawn’s families both done.  I am done with my brother and Tommy’s teachers.   I also have part of my mom’s, sisters and SILs gift.   It was very nice to get started.    I am going to keep an eye on what cards are giving a higher return as it gets closer to Christmas.   I have a feeling I will buying alot of gift cards this year!!  

This weekend also is beginning to look fairly busy.  I thought it might be quite enough that I  could work on putting the bookcases together in the guest room/office.   Saturday, Tommy has an early morning soccer game.  we have a couple of errands to run and then we are going to a 50th Birthday Party.  

Tommy would like to get his Halloween costume this weekend.  He wants to be Batman and Noah is going to be the Joker.   I also need to go to Sears and figure out how much my new stovetop will be.  Then I will order gift certificates to pay for it so I can get money back on Tommy’s tuition.  

Sunday after church we will have Brunch at church.  I hope to get groceries after that.  At some point during the weekend I need to make my menu and shopping list.   And of course there is laundry to do!!  Is there ever not???

Tommy starts swimming lessons this weekend.  I hope they go ok for him!

Well I better scoot.  I have not been sleeping very well.   I have been having nightmares about some things going on at work.  ARGH!!!   Sure hope I sleep better tonight.  

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Jen C

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