OH What a Week….

It is Friday….my first family movie night/family night without Josh.  I have texted him to see what he is up to, but didn’t hear from him.  It sure is hard for this momma to let her son grow up and be on his own.   I miss him already.  

Has been a very busy week at work.   Today I hoped to only work a few hours, but had to kids in crisis so I ended up working all day.   Luckily I had made my menu and shopping last night.   I went grocery shopping after work.  It feels good have that out of the way before the weekend really starts.  

Groceries 8/22

Aldi – 133.21

Cub Foods – 48.43

Total Spent – 181.64

I don’t plan on getting groceries again until September 14th.  So this needs to last for 3 weeks, therefore I averaged $60.00 a week to feed our family.  Pretty good.  I was surprised how much some things have increased in cost.  SHredded Cheese is more expensive by almost $1.00 per pack.  ARGH!  We eat alot of cheese.  Once school starts I should be able to decrease my average as well since I will no longer need to buy convenience foods for Erik to make for lunch at home.   Tommy has decided to take cold lunch to school each day.   I am glad as I am really not that impressed with the school lunch menu.   It will also save us over $50.00 a month. 

My weekend is going to be pretty busy.  Many things in our garden is ready to be harvested this weekend.   I plan on freezing more green beans, broccoli and zucchini.   I also plan on canning some salsa if I have enough tomatoes to do that.   So that should take up most of Saturday I bet.  

We probably have a funeral to attend on Monday or Tuesday.   Our neighbor down the street passed away the other day.  She was diagnosed with cancer about one month ago.   It was very quick and she wasn’t really sick for long.   I hope her hubby will do ok.  They were a close couple.  We saw them going on walks together at least twice each day.  

I have the groceries put away, but I should cut up fruit and things for the upcoming week.  But I think I am going to head to bed to read and relax.  Good Night!!!

One thought on “OH What a Week….

  1. We just moved to Virginia from Michigan and the cost of living here just shocks me!  It’s substantially more expensive so getting groceries has been interesting even at Walmart.  I think it will get better as I had to replace a lot of staple items that we didn’t move with us unless they were unopened, that sort of thing, plus I had to get Jalen all of his school supplies. 

    I need to get a good book too!  When Ron leaves for work in the evening and the kids go to bed I just sit and listen to the crickets! lol

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