Tommy’s Room: Before, During and After…

Good Bye to the baby’s nursery.  What a sad moment for me.  I literally cried while I was painting over the honey tree and pooh!!

Pooh Room 008

The first step was to take everything out of Tommy’s room and deposit it into the living room.  ARGH!!  That simply drove me nuts!! The clutter drove me nuts and the added fact that you couldn’t walk in the living room wasn’t helping. 

Pooh Room 002

Before I say good bye to the nursery, I thought I should give you a tour.  This is the Honey Tree in the corner.  I have this great picture I have to find of Tommy sitting as a baby under it with all his giant Winnie the Pooh Characters.  This entire room was painted by hand by my neighbor as a baby shower gift.   Before Tommy was born I sat in this room on the rocking chair for hours enjoying the room. 

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Shelf with his Pooh Characters.  Notice the Pooh light switch cover?? 

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Mural that was over the crib of Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore. 

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The coat rack to hang Tom’s coats and bags.

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Above the door it said “Tommy’s Room”.  Did I mentioned I just loved this room!!


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The painting started with my little helper.  We first covered the tree up with a tinted primer.  Since we wanted the blue to be very bright we had to use the tinted primer.  It was so incredibly sad to paint this, but Tommy was very happy.  He was excited to have a big boy room!

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Here you can see the difference of the primer blue and the final coat which is a very bright blue.  It was my hope for it to be the color of the ocean. 

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Tommy took this picture….Mommy’s feet??? 

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The final color!!  Now time to move all that junk back in!  Argh that is a huge job!



Most of the toys are out of the living room.  I still have the three bin rolling cart full of workbooks and things to go through.  The bookcase with the lamp on it is also from Tommy’s room and needs to find a new home. 


Tommy’s bed with his new over head lamp mounted to the wall.  Now he is able to turn off his lights by himself at night. 


This is the corner where the Honey Tree was.  It is now shelves to hold all of Tommy’s books and toys.   I told Tommy it fits on the shelves or we just have too much things and need to donate some things. 


I painted Tommy’s coat rack black.   I am going to find some pirate theme stickers to put on it and clear coat over them. 


The lovely shelf was also painted black.  He has his pirate money bank on it.  When we go to Duluth I am going to this one gift shop that I know has alot of Pirate things to look for a pirate chest and ship.  I might also put some stickers on the shelf.  The light switch plate was changed to look like a slate of rock.  You can’t see it well in the pictures!

As you can see I am not done yet.  I want to buy a bulletin board for above his desk.  I need to buy material and sew curtains.  Tonight I ordered the first of two paint by number murals that I will be attempting to paint on the wall.   I am going to start with the smallest/cheaper one first.  So I will be starting on the Pirate Skull and Crossbone Sign Mural once I receive the transfer pattern in the mail. 

Well I hope you enjoyed the tour of my little man’s room.  Yep, it is becoming a big boy room!   I will take more pictures as I make more progress on the room. 

Happy Monday!

Jen C

6 thoughts on “Tommy’s Room: Before, During and After…

  1. Oh what an absolutely adorable winnie the pooh theme I love the paintings and how sad to paint over them but I understand how he is growing up and wants something different but I could just imagine how hard that was for you. But it really looks nice with that nice bright blue though you did a wonderful job!!!

  2. I have something in our guest bedroom that isn’t nearly as beautiful as your Winnie the Pooh murals, but still . . . Someone took a lot of time (and several colors) to stencil around the top of the wall a floral border. We’re getting ready to paint the walls (we’ve been here almost 4 years!) and that is the last bedroom to paint. It makes me sick to paint over something that someone took the time to create. I can’t imagine your sadness from painting over a neighbor’s gift! Must have been really hard; but, things look great in blue.

    I never heard of tinted primer. I always used white Kilz. I’m also getting ready to repaint a hunter green (very dark green) bedroom and knew I’d have to Kilz before changing it to a very light pink. Any hints for me????

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