I am not wanting to face Monday.  I am wanting to spend my time surfing the net.  I am finding some great blogs and am loving to read them!!  On Mondays I always love to look through some of the Menu Plan Monday posts on I’m an Organizing Junkie.  I have been struggling at what to make for supper, so this really helps with my inspiration.  But I really do need to get things done around the house as I am home today.  

Today, Ashleigh is off so I went into work on Sunday so I could be home when Erik gets home today.   This should be the last day I have to do this for a few weeks.   We have hired a second staff to cover when Ashleigh is unvailalbe.  Billy will hopefully start training this week and begin filling in by Friday.  We will see if his paperwork clears by then or not. 

I will be doing some big time mountain climbing today!  Mt. Washmore needs to be conquered and eliminated.  Yes, my laundry room is out of control once again.  I would show pictures, but it is just too downright embarassing.  Hopefully I will make some huge progress on that today!


Shower and Do Morning Routine – DONE
Load Zune with Books on Tape – WORKING ON
Laundry – WORKING ON
Wash Dishes  – DONE
Revise Erik’s Budget to accomodate the additional staff hours for August
Finish listening to The Gathering by Anne Enright
Scrub Floors  – DONE
Finish Cleaning up Tommy’s Room
Update Kitchen Calendar  – DONE


Blog Organizing
Getting Ready For School
Great Uses For Composition Books
Calendar Basics
Grocery Shopping/Tips
Book Series for Boys
New Websites of Interest!
Share Pictures of Tommy’s Room – DONE
Share Pictures of Our Trip to SD

Enjoy your day!   I am sure I will be checking back as I can!   Anything to avoid doing what I should be doing seeems to the theme of the day.  


“Delight in the Simple Things “


One thought on “MANIC MONDAY….

  1. Tell me more about Erick – where he’s been, and what you mean by his budget and staff hours. You can message me, if you want. I’m VERY interested.

    Mount Washmore . . . TOO FUNNY!!!!

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