I’m a Big Boy Now……

Hubby is gone on business so I have the whole house ripped apart.  What was I thinking???  ARGH!!   I started by just wanting to put new shelves into Tommy’s room.  Well Tommy has been asking for a while to have his room repainted as it is till decorated as his winnie the Pooh nursery.   He is a big boy now!!   So with a very heavy heart I painted over the winnie the pooh murals on his walls.  They were a gift from my neighbor for my baby shower.  It was amazing.   I was young and didn’t have much money when Josh was born so I didn’t have a nursery for him.  We actually shared a room.  So with Tommy my hubby blessed me with the dream come true nursery.  I loved it!!

I will add pictures later as they are one Josh’s computer and he is still sleeping.  Hubby took my camera to Memphis with him so I don’t have it and I can’t get Josh’s camera to let me upload the pictures onto my computer. 


Tommy requested a blue room with a Pirate theme.   So that is what we are doing.  I came up with some great ideas and am excited about completing this project.   One entire wall in Tommy’s room will be floor to ceiling bookcases.  He has a very small room and no storage!   So he will only have a few things in his room now all toys and books must fit onto the shelf system.   And when he no longer in this room the shelves will be my library.  I bought some quality Ikea shelves so that I will be able to use them years from now. 

Don’t ask to see a picture of my living room right now!!  ARGH!!  ALl of Tommy’s toys and furniture are in the living room.  you can’t even walk.  I have to get his room all put back together today.   I am finished painting I think.  I painted one coat of tinted primer and one coat of paint.  I think it is pretty good. 


This fabric was the catalyst to the wall color.  Tommy’s walls are painted the color of the water in the fabric above.  This might cause a problem for what I want to do for a mural, but we will see.  I found this great website that sells paint by number murals to put on walls.  (you can find anything on the Internet, right??)  I plan on painting a treasure map on his wall  by his bed.

PirateMap Pirate twin bed-room

Doesn’t that look cool!!  This might be stretching my abilities, but I want to give it a try. I used to be pretty artist years ago.   I might have painted the walls too dark of a color to paint the mural so it might take alot of coats or I can paint white primer in the area I need to put the mural.  I am not sure I will figure that out when I am at that point.  

If the map works out ok, Tommy would like to me paint the Pirates only Sign as well.  Skull-and-swordsT

I also want to paint some letter and spell Tommy above the door.  I am going to try to paint something similair to these.  There are too expensive. They wanted $20.00 a letter, which is CRAZY!!

I am not sure which fabric I will pick for the curtains.  I am afraid if I use the blue fabric that there will be too much blue in the room.  I plan on painting his little knick knack shelf black with red pegs. So maybe one of these fabrics would be a better choice. 

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What do you think????  


Hey everyone I am so happy to introduce you to my niece, Sus.  She just started a blog and is new to xanga.  Stop by and say hi!   It is so nice to have a niece you can call your friend.  She is a wonderful mother of two little boys and an elementary school teacher.  During my vacation I was able to spend alot of time with them.  I used to care for her alot when she was little so it was so wonderful to see her parenting her sons.  It was so very nice and now I can continue talk with her and hear about the boys!   And she even likes to cook!!!  

Stop by and visit, samnsus!!   I hope she will enjoy blogging and the xanga community!

I am off to pull off the painter’s tape, scrub Tommy’s floors and start putting his room back together.  This will probably be an all day event!  

0 thoughts on “I’m a Big Boy Now……

  1. Oh, it all looks so good! I say have fun with the curtains, do something creative on top of a plain color…maybe a rope net overt the top or something like that. That room just looks too fun!

  2. That is such a cute room! I love it!

    Instead of that curtain fabric (which IS cute) why not try something creative like a rope net over plain fabric, or one of those pull down blinds with a big jolly roger painted on the canvas…

    That is going to be such a fun room.

  3. very fun room Tommy will have. I love decorating and have always done something with a theme in my kids rooms all these years.

    I love the paint color and the mural will be so cute. I think red bedding with touches of black and blue like in pillows would look great with the larger print skull fabric.

    How neat, I think it will be very cool! 😉

    Have fun!

  4. I love the black fabric…both of the last two. You could use them both in some way.

    You’re inspiring me. After being gone on our “mini-vacation,” our house is a pit!


  5. What a cute idea…but it makes ME tired just thinking about it!  With the murals on the wall, I think I’d go with less “busy” curtains and bedspreads, but I’ve never been a very good decorator, so you probably don’t want my advice!!!

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