
Menu for the Weeks of
4/13/08 – 4/26/08


SUNDAY –  Roasted Chicken/ Stuffing and Veggie

MONDAY – Chicken Casserole – Vegetable – Dinner Rolls

TUESDAY – Easy Chicken and Feta Bake – Broccoli – Wild Rice

WEDNESDAY- Cheese Broc Soup/ Salad/ Crusty Bread


FRIDAY – Chicken Fajitas – Spanish Rice


SATURDAY – Spaghetti -3-Cheese Garlic Bread  (Prep/Total Time: 15 Taste of Home S&D – pg 22) 

SUNDAY –  Turkey Tenderloin (crockpot) Mashed Potatoes – Vegetable

MONDAY – Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon

TUESDAY – Shake and Bake Pork Chops,  Pasta, Vegetable

WEDNESDAY – Easy Crockpot Meat Loaf with Carrots and Potatoes

THURSDAY – Baked Ziti, Garlic Bread

FRIDAY –  French Dip Sandwiches with Au Juice – (Mom Out Of Town)

SATURDAY – Frozen Lasagna – Garlic Bread (Mom Out of Town)

SUNDAY – (GROCERY DAY!) – Pasta Bag Thing x 2 (Mom Out of Town)



Basil Burgers

One thought on “

  1. RYC: your children wearing shorts . . . you should see my blog pictures for today! Quite a departure!

    I have never successfully planned menus ahead. I think it’s because I buy what is on sale or looks good, and I make meals from whatever I have in the pantry or freezer. How has the “planning ahead thing” worked for you?

    I might have to steal your “breakfast for dinner” idea sometime this week. That sounds absolutely WONDERFUL!

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