Book Reviews….

I thought I would take a moment and answer GrannyFox’s question.  She wanted to know if I also review the books that I read.  I used to do that more, now I have been only listing what I read and rating them.  I hope to get back to doing reviews more someday. 

You can check out my Reading Page to see how I have been rating and tracking my reading. 

Another question I would like to pose to my readers….Would anyone be interested in a online book discussion group?  I would like it to be small in nautre to begin with.  There has been many times when I have thought of some of you and thought, “I wish they lived near me so I chould invite them to my book group!”   Let me know if anyone is interested and we can toss around some ideas about how to do manage the online group, etc.  I prefer to read fiction and some non-fiction.  

One thought on “Book Reviews….

  1. I’m sorry, you asked me that before. I wasn’t blowing you off (in fact, I was very flattered) but it’s been so crazy around here that my Xanga time is limited.

    I think it would be very fun to do an online discussion group, but have no way of knowing how it would come off. I wonder if there’s information about other online groups that have been done already. I guess we could just have a Yahoo group, if nothing else.

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Book Reviews….

I thought I would take a moment and answer GrannyFox’s question.  She wanted to know if I also review the books that I read.  I used to do that more, now I have been only listing what I read and rating them.  I hope to get back to doing reviews more someday. 

You can check out my Reading Page to see how I have been rating and tracking my reading. 

Another question I would like to pose to my readers….Would anyone be interested in a online book discussion group?  I would like it to be small in nautre to begin with.  There has been many times when I have thought of some of you and thought, “I wish they lived near me so I chould invite them to my book group!”   Let me know if anyone is interested and we can toss around some ideas about how to do manage the online group, etc.  I prefer to read fiction and some non-fiction.  

0 thoughts on “Book Reviews….

  1. I’m sorry, you asked me that before. I wasn’t blowing you off (in fact, I was very flattered) but it’s been so crazy around here that my Xanga time is limited.

    I think it would be very fun to do an online discussion group, but have no way of knowing how it would come off. I wonder if there’s information about other online groups that have been done already. I guess we could just have a Yahoo group, if nothing else.

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