
Menu for the Weeks of
2/2/08 – 2/16/08

This week we will be having alot of crockpot recipes.  I work so many hours that by the time I get home I am too tired to cook.  At least that is how this last week worked.  I had worked 40 hours by Thursday already and ended up working another 7 hours on Friday.  So if I can throw supper in the crock pot in the morning I will have less to do when I get home. 


SAT – BBQ RibsOven Potato Wedges – Corn – Cole Slaw (Crock 8 -10 hrs) – Apple Turnovers

SUN –  Baked Ranch Chicken – (Bake 325 – 45 min) (CARRY OVER FROM LAST WEEK)

MON – Panera Brocolli Cheese Soup and Bread Sticks – Soup is VERY GOOD!!!

TUES – Working Late – Scalloped Potatoes with Ham  – (Bake 350 – 1.5 hours)

WED – Slow Cooker Night: Chicken Delicious (Low 5 Hours)

THURS – Working Late – Slow cooker ravioli  (Bake Instead 350 – 45 mins??)

FRIDAY – Sloppy Joes & Fries  (Crock 6 – 8 hours)

SATURDAY – Slow Cooked Beef Stew (Crock Low 6-8 Hours)

SUN – Easiest Crockpot Chicken and Biscuits (Crock Low 4-6 hours)

MON – Working Late – Slow Cooker: Sticky Chicken **Refridgerate Over Night** (Crock Low 6-8 Hrs)

TUES – Fettucine Alfredo – Bread Sticks

WED – Slow Cooker Night: Italian Veggie & Pasta Soup & Bread Sticks (Crock 7-8 Hours)

THURS – Working Late – V-Day – Slow Cooked Pork Chops – Rice & Roni – Heart Shaped Brownies (Crock Low 6-8 Hours)

FRI – Order Pizza – Silent Auction Fundraiser

SAT – Christina’s Salsa Chicken (Stove Top) & Vegetable



Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops  & Noodles Romanoff

Slow Cooker Night: “Beef” Stroganoff

Great Site for inexpensive Recipes…..MomAdvice


For more menu plan Monday fun, head on over to Laura’s at I’m an Organizing Junkie!  Save time and money.   You will not believe now easier life is with a bit of planning.  Give it a try, You won’t be sorry!

4 thoughts on “

  1. I use the crockpot a lot even though I’m home with the kids all day. It’s so much easier to put together dinner at 10am and not have to worry about it the rest of the day and as a plus we almost never eat fast food anymore-it really is all about planning ahead!

    I’m going to try that Panera Broccoli Cheese soup tomorrow night, it sounds very good! Thanks for posting the link.

  2. I use the crockpot a lot even though I’m home with the kids all day. It’s so much easier to put together dinner at 10am and not have to worry about it the rest of the day and as a plus we almost never eat fast food anymore-it really is all about planning ahead!

    I’m going to try that Panera Broccoli Cheese soup tomorrow night, it sounds very good! Thanks for posting the link.

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