Merry Christmas Eve…..

I am up and about more today.   It really doesn’t feel like Christmas since I have been so out of commission.  The surgery on Tuesday went very well.   The surgeon removed the cyst and scar tissue in my knee.  He also discovered some cartilage what was rubbing so he shaved that.  The first few days were terrible, but it is getting better and better each day.   This morning I took a shower all by myself.  It is nice to be able to shower myself and not having to rely on others as much. 

Hubby, Tommy and Josh are at Church right now and will be home shortly.  We will finish wrapping presents and they enjoy a meal of appetizers and open our gifts to each other.   Tomorrow morning Santa will come……..all the boys are excited.   The oldest (19) is the most excited as he knows what Santa is bringing, a Wii.  

Many more things to mention….but time to go lay down again and put my leg up.   I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!  God Bless. 

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