
Mon – 8th – D-Hotdogs and Buns/ Chip and Carrots with Dip

Tues – 9th – D-Taco’s – Soft & Hard (meat in freezer)

Wed – 10th – Church- Fried Egg Sandwiches

Thurs – 11th – Spaghetti and Meatballs with Garlic Bread

Fri – 12th – Hamburgers buns with Fries

Sat – 13th – Steak/ Baked Pots/ Mixed Vegs

Sun – 14th – Breakfast – Pancakes/Eggs/Toast/Bacon

Mon – 15th – D- Pizza Rolls

Tues – 16th – D – Pot Pies

Wed – 17th – Church – Frozen Pizza and Salad

THurs – 18th – Scalloped Potatoes and Ham/ Apple Crumble

Fri – 19th – Rotissiere Chicken/ Mac and Cheese/ Mashed Pots with Gravy

Sat – 20th – Slow Cooked Steak -(crockpot 6-8 hrs) – Parmesan Noodles and Veggies 

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Other back up quick meals……

Chicken Nuggets/Fries
Garlic Chicken Skillet (frozen bag meal)

D = Dad is cooking that night as I am not home for supper. 

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