Menu For September 16 – 29th


Many repeats from last week and I didn’t get around to making a number of my planned meals.  It made shopping this week pretty inexpensive.  I seem to be having alot of trouble getting back on schedule.  I am not sure what it is…..just not feeling like my usual self.   Luckily with meal plans and some routines no one is noticing how much I  really am struggling too much.    Though I am a tab bit short on patience…………….

SUN – 9/16 – Cheese-y Potatoes x 2 for School Picnic – (Crockpot 5-8hours) – Good Add To Site

MON – 9/17 – Dad Cooks
TUES – 9/18 – Soccer – Chicken Ceasar salad, Garlic Bread and Jello Parfaits Good Add To Site
Make Meal for Mitzi – Salad with Classic Deli Wrap and Jello Parfaits
WED – 9/19 – Chicken, Rice and Green Bean Casserole  Good Add To Site
THURS – 9/20 Patty’s Chicken Chop Suey  (crock 6 hours) Over Rice  Good Add To Site
Mexican Salad
 FRI – 9/21 – MOM GONE
SAT – 9/22 – MOM GONE
MON – 9/24 – DAD COOKS
WED- 9/26 – Ham Slices, Boxed Rice and Veggie
FRI – 9/28 Chili Joes (crock 6 hrs) and Fries
SAT – 9/29 – Beef Stew – Cockpot – pg 97 = 5-6 hours

0 thoughts on “Menu For September 16 – 29th

  1. Hello! I found you through search for blogrings for moms that work outside the home! I am also struggling to get back in sync with school in session. I may take you up on some of those recipes!

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