A beautiful day in Minnesota today.  I was up early and worked on our budget and paying bills.   Then Tommy had a soccer game.   He sure loves playing soccer.   My hubby was the fill in assistance coach as well.  Hubby will fill in again next week.  I will miss the game next weekend since I will be out of town. 

After soccer we came home.  I finished paying bills, which included my recent speeding ticket!!  ARGH!!  I have not had a ticket in over 12 years.   I was so upset about that.   Well it is paid and all over.   Then we went to the library and returned out things.   Afterwards we came home and quickly ate and Tommy got ready to go to Cooper’s birthday party!    Tommy had a great time at Coopers!   Next month is Tommy’s birthday and we hope to have all his friends over for a party as well.  

Hubby and I went to pick up Tommy after the party and then went to get groceries.  I stayed well within budget since I had so many meals to carry over from last week.   I spent about 137.00 for groceries for the next two weeks.  That even included some extra more processed food for when I am gone to the cabin next week. 

Well I am off to read for a bit….have a great night!

0 thoughts on “SATURDAY….

  1. I got a ticket a few years ago for running a stop sign. It was a 4 lane 4 way stop – something I had never seen before and, obviously, didn’t see it at the time plus didn’t see the police car that was waiting for his turn! Talk about embarassed! This week end was beautiful here in ND, too.

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A beautiful day in Minnesota today.  I was up early and worked on our budget and paying bills.   Then Tommy had a soccer game.   He sure loves playing soccer.   My hubby was the fill in assistance coach as well.  Hubby will fill in again next week.  I will miss the game next weekend since I will be out of town. 

After soccer we came home.  I finished paying bills, which included my recent speeding ticket!!  ARGH!!  I have not had a ticket in over 12 years.   I was so upset about that.   Well it is paid and all over.   Then we went to the library and returned out things.   Afterwards we came home and quickly ate and Tommy got ready to go to Cooper’s birthday party!    Tommy had a great time at Coopers!   Next month is Tommy’s birthday and we hope to have all his friends over for a party as well.  

Hubby and I went to pick up Tommy after the party and then went to get groceries.  I stayed well within budget since I had so many meals to carry over from last week.   I spent about 137.00 for groceries for the next two weeks.  That even included some extra more processed food for when I am gone to the cabin next week. 

Well I am off to read for a bit….have a great night!

3 thoughts on “SATURDAY….

  1. I got a ticket a few years ago for running a stop sign. It was a 4 lane 4 way stop – something I had never seen before and, obviously, didn’t see it at the time plus didn’t see the police car that was waiting for his turn! Talk about embarassed! This week end was beautiful here in ND, too.

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