Busy Week…….

Fall is off to a good start.  I am very busy with everything.   This week has just flown by.  I can’t believe it.   I am working 40 + hours this week trying to get caught up after taking so much time off this summer.   I think we are finally getting the social worker to get us services in our home for Erik.  Within a few week hopefully we will have someone to help supervise Erik each day after school.  We are leaving work early and having Amy help us now.

Tommy continues to LOVE school.  He is excited and very happy.  It is so fun.   He started piano lessons at school.  He has lessons once a week as part of his Kindergarten class.  Tommy is making us super busy!!  This weekend is totally booked with Tommy social events.   Friday evening we only need to take Tommy to buy a B-day present for a friend.   Saturday is busy with a soccer game in the morning and a birthday party in the afternoon.  I am hoping I can run and get groceries in the afternoon while Tommy is at the birthday party.   Sunday is the first day of Sunday school and Tommy’s school has a back to school party in the late afternoon.  The party is at one of the families farm including hayrides!

Next weekend I am going away with my book group to one of the members cabin up north.  I can’t wait….it is a great group of women to hang out with.  We have so much fun!   Instead of reading a book this month, we each are bringing a book we loved and giving a short report on it.  Then we will swap books. 

Work for me is crazy and overwhelming.   This is always the busiest time of the year for me.   I just pray that I remain healthy and able to work everyday.  I see the orthopedic surgeon again next week to get the results of my MRI.   I am hoping I can wait to have any surgery or correction until March.   I am so busy with Waiver Budgets Sept through December.   Then January – March Consumer Support Grant budgets are due.   It is alot of work!!   I am working on opening a new Supervised Living Situation (group home) which needs to open in January.   The management team has also asked me to pilot a new service plan for the section before implementation.  I think instead of working Mondays only until 10:00 at night, I will have to add a second evening just to keep from drowning.  My time with hubby and the boys is already so limited, I hate to decrease it anymore.

I am trying to keep my extra commitments beyond my family and work to a minimum.   I am a part of the Parent/Teacher Partnership for Tommy’s school.  I will help with one time events, but will not head any committees.  I am not going to return to Wednesday night classes at church until I feel a bit less overwhelmed.  

I am still getting back into the flow of the busy school year.  I have not been doing very well with following my menu, etc.   I get home and I will have forgotten to take out meat or I am home too late to cook what I had planned.  ARGH!!  Last night I cook a wonderful meal.   Yes, it was guilt cooking.  I made Baked Ziti, Garlic Bread, Squash and Apples, and veggies from our garden.  I picked some brussels sprouts and green beans.   I have about 24 more butternut squash as well.  I will take some more to work today.  I took 5 in yesterday and they were gone before I even made it to my desk.  

Time to get ready for work…..Later!!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!  It is suppose to be warming up here in MN this weekend a bit.   YEAH!

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