Sorry I haven’t had time to update in a bit.  We are doing ok, just busy.  I am working weird hours so I can be home to watch Erik during the weeks he is with us.  I go into the office two days during the week for 14 hours each day and work one day for 10 hours or so on the weekend.  I answer emails and some phone calls on my home days.  So today I was at work by 9:30am and got home after 8:00pm.  So I am a bit tired and heading to bed. 

Hubby leaves tomorrow for an IT conference in Duluth.  I will work on Monday and Tuesday and then will be on vacation for the rest of the week.  The kids and I will head up to Duluth to meet up with hubby after his conference is over.  

More of an update tomorrow…..maybe even pictures from the 4th!

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