
Hello everyone….Hope you are having a wonderful day.  It has been raining off and on here in MN.  We tried to get some yard work done in between the showers.   I woke up around 8:00 this morning and started working on my Menus and shopping list.   My menu for the next two weeks is below.   It was a big shopping day!!!   I have everything we need for the next two weeks of meals.  Considering I needed to buy some meat, I stayed within budget pretty well.   I bought a few extra treats for the kids too, since we are pretty bare around here.  

I first went to Aldi for the majority of my shopping .  I picked up the remaining groceries at Festival as it is close to Aldi.  Then on the way home I grabbed snacks and bread from the Bread Thrift Store. 

Aldi                $120.52 – About $20.00 were extras not on my list – Treats for the kids!!
Festival           $  23.03 – only things on the the list, no extras !!
Bread Thrift    $  10.23- Alots of treats for the Treat Box – at least 5.00 Extra!

Grand Total    $ 153.78 – for two weeks of food – about $75.00 a week for 5 people.  Had I not bought any snack food I could of saved $25.00, but I didn’t need to. 

After I got the groceries put away I took Tommy over to the neighbors for Noah’s birthday party.  He has been there all day.  He came home only to eat supper and he is back there again. 

In the afternoon I did a few loads of laundry and cleaned my oven and stove.   A friend of mine came over from work to get some hostas for her garden.  She took about 12 or so out of my hosta garden.  You can hardly tell she took any!  

I was hungry for the real bad for ya Fried Chicken tonight, so that is what I made for supper.   It was GREAT!!  I found the recipe on the Diary of SAHM blog….YUMMY!!  We also had corn on the cob and potato salad a real summer meal!!  

Well I am going to read for a bit before doing the dishes and heading to bed.  Have a great night!!!!

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Hello everyone….Hope you are having a wonderful day.  It has been raining off and on here in MN.  We tried to get some yard work done in between the showers.   I woke up around 8:00 this morning and started working on my Menus and shopping list.   My menu for the next two weeks is below.   It was a big shopping day!!!   I have everything we need for the next two weeks of meals.  Considering I needed to buy some meat, I stayed within budget pretty well.   I bought a few extra treats for the kids too, since we are pretty bare around here.  

I first went to Aldi for the majority of my shopping .  I picked up the remaining groceries at Festival as it is close to Aldi.  Then on the way home I grabbed snacks and bread from the Bread Thrift Store. 

Aldi                $120.52 – About $20.00 were extras not on my list – Treats for the kids!!
Festival           $  23.03 – only things on the the list, no extras !!
Bread Thrift    $  10.23- Alots of treats for the Treat Box – at least 5.00 Extra!

Grand Total    $ 153.78 – for two weeks of food – about $75.00 a week for 5 people.  Had I not bought any snack food I could of saved $25.00, but I didn’t need to. 

After I got the groceries put away I took Tommy over to the neighbors for Noah’s birthday party.  He has been there all day.  He came home only to eat supper and he is back there again. 

In the afternoon I did a few loads of laundry and cleaned my oven and stove.   A friend of mine came over from work to get some hostas for her garden.  She took about 12 or so out of my hosta garden.  You can hardly tell she took any!  

I was hungry for the real bad for ya Fried Chicken tonight, so that is what I made for supper.   It was GREAT!!  I found the recipe on the Diary of SAHM blog….YUMMY!!  We also had corn on the cob and potato salad a real summer meal!!  

Well I am going to read for a bit before doing the dishes and heading to bed.  Have a great night!!!!

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