Proud Momma Moment and Stuff….

Well first of course my proud momma Moment.  Josh received his grades for his last semester of class in college and he did great!!  3 A’s and 1 B.   His first semester he was on academic probation as he didn’t do as well.  I think college and having to actually study was a big shock to him.  He seems to have recovered very well!!

Other stuff….Friday we leave to go where I was raised in South Dakota.  It is my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary and it is also our 7th anniversary.   I am looking forward to the time off and hopefullly I can relax a bit.   I am feeling a bit stressed to say the least.

We have a meeting today at Erik’s day treatment program and then I have to return to work.   I need to pick up some thing I ordered for the anniversary party tonight as well. 

You will probably see an increase in the books I read for the summer.  I listen to recorded books while I garden and I have a huge vegetable garden this year.    So lots of reading/listening while I weed!!

Finished Reading…
Rise and Shine – Anna Quindlen – (4/5)

Still Reading…..
 Peace Like a River – Leif Enger

Started Listening to from the Net Library :

3 thoughts on “Proud Momma Moment and Stuff….

  1. Great idea to listen to recorded books as you garden 🙂 I have thought about doing that when I walk with my mp3 player.

    Have fun on your trip!

    Great grades Josh! 🙂

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your parents! Hope you have a great trip. And congrats to Josh as well.  I’m hoping my son gets the wakeup call next year at college.  He hasn’t studied at home all 4 years of high school and that’s why his cum GPA is 2.8! 

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Proud Momma Moment and Stuff….

Well first of course my proud momma Moment.  Josh received his grades for his last semester of class in college and he did great!!  3 A’s and 1 B.   His first semester he was on academic probation as he didn’t do as well.  I think college and having to actually study was a big shock to him.  He seems to have recovered very well!!

Other stuff….Friday we leave to go where I was raised in South Dakota.  It is my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary and it is also our 7th anniversary.   I am looking forward to the time off and hopefullly I can relax a bit.   I am feeling a bit stressed to say the least.

We have a meeting today at Erik’s day treatment program and then I have to return to work.   I need to pick up some thing I ordered for the anniversary party tonight as well. 

You will probably see an increase in the books I read for the summer.  I listen to recorded books while I garden and I have a huge vegetable garden this year.    So lots of reading/listening while I weed!!

Finished Reading…
Rise and Shine – Anna Quindlen – (4/5)

Still Reading…..
 Peace Like a River – Leif Enger

Started Listening to from the Net Library :

0 thoughts on “Proud Momma Moment and Stuff….

  1. Great idea to listen to recorded books as you garden 🙂 I have thought about doing that when I walk with my mp3 player.

    Have fun on your trip!

    Great grades Josh! 🙂

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your parents! Hope you have a great trip. And congrats to Josh as well.  I’m hoping my son gets the wakeup call next year at college.  He hasn’t studied at home all 4 years of high school and that’s why his cum GPA is 2.8! 

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