We had a very nice weekend.   I really just took it easy and enjoyed my hubby and Tommy.  I decided since I am home tomorrow I will do laundry and that stuff then instead. 

Friday I was suppose to appear in a hearing, but a continuance was granted.  Since I had driven into work I decided to stay and get some paperwork done.  So I ended up working about 46 hours this week.   Before I went to work I had to stop by the clinic and have my blood work done for my physical.   I have to have a yearly diabetes test since I was diabetic when pregnant with Tommy.  Since I hve been keep my weight down I have been fine.   At my physical the Dr said I had lost 14 pounds since my pysical a year ago. 

When I got home we decided to go to the Drive-In Movie!  That was alot of fun!   We put the seats down in the back of the van and wrapped up in blankets and snuggled in the back to watch the movie.   Tommy LOVED going to the movie.  It was a double feature.  We figured that Tommy would be asleep by the second movie, but hestayed up for both.  Josh, Amy, Hubby, tommy and I all played frisbee before the movie started.   It was a great memory for us all.  

movie-zoo 001

We didn’t get home until after midnight!  Wow, we haven’t been out that late in ages.  Tommy fell asleep as soon as we started driving.  Josh has a picture of Tommy and I in the back of the van that I will share later. 


I took the dog to get grommed.  Then we were off to run errands.  we spent some time at the library and had a nice day out.  At the library I picked up the coolest thing for my book group.  They have book club bags which include 10 copies of the book and a binder with questions and interviews with the author etc.  I also picked up a number of great books I had reserved.  I will be busy when in Duluth.  I hope to get alot of reading done!

We came home and relaxed for the evening.  I read my book for book group.  I hope to have it done by Thursday. 


We over slept and missed church.  We ended up watching on TV.   I finished reading my book for bookgroup and then I ran to Rainbow as I had a raincheck for Smart Ones Dinner for $1.00 each.  I have those most days for lunch at work.  We put away the groceries and made a picnic lunch and headed to Como Park Zoo and Conservatory for the day.   The library has free passses for many museums around the Twin Cities so we are going to try and check those out through the Museum Adventure Pass Program.   We hope to be able to check out the passes for the MN Zoo as they have their baby animals right now.  That is always fun for Tommy as he enjoys feeding the animals and petting them.   We also want to go to the Science Museum.

Our day today at the zoo was pretty rainy, but we made the best of it.  We did get out picnic in which was a plus. 


 movie-zoo 002
Tommy outside the Primates Building

movie-zoo 003
Tommy and Mom in The Tropics Room

movie-zoo 005

Tommy riding the Giraffes

 movie-zoo 006

Tommy chasing the slippery water toy he got at the Zoo Gift Shop

movie-zoo 007

Tommy and Dad

movie-zoo 008
Tommy with the Orchids in the Conservatory

movie-zoo 009 movie-zoo 010 movie-zoo 011

I just love the colors of the conservatory!!  It is so beautiful and the smell in there is nice. 

 movie-zoo 012
Some strange plant from Mexico, can’t remember the name of it. 

Tommy fell asleep on the way home from the zoo, so hubby and I took advantag of that.  Hubby caught a nap on the couch and I read in the bedroom for a few hours.  I started a book I had picked up at the library.  I am not sure when I read the review of it.  I frequently read the magazine “Bookmarks” to find new authors and titles to read.  My “to Be Read” pile and list are way too ambitious!  I started a book called Heart Shaped Box, which is not a type of book I read much anymore.  It is more of a horror type book, but I thought I would give it a try.  I have read the first 100 pages and am interested so far.  I want to finish it before I go to Duluth.  I don’t want to be reading a horror book when alone in the hotel room.  

Other Books on My TBR Pile from the Library:

I am ready for an early bedtime tonight!!  I hope Tommy cooperates with that.  Tomorrow will be a busy day around the house for me.   I would like to get groceries tomorrow evening as well. 

*** Look Below for Lots of Pictures from Family Outings and Easter***

Finished Reading :

Geisha: A Life – Mineko Iwasaki – 3/5

3 thoughts on “OUR WEEKEND

  1. I really enjoyed Sister of My Heart.  I thought I’d read the geisha book but I guess I read another one.

    It looks like y’all had a super time at your jaunts!

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 We had a very nice weekend.   I really just took it easy and enjoyed my hubby and Tommy.  I decided since I am home tomorrow I will do laundry and that stuff then instead. 

Friday I was suppose to appear in a hearing, but a continuance was granted.  Since I had driven into work I decided to stay and get some paperwork done.  So I ended up working about 46 hours this week.   Before I went to work I had to stop by the clinic and have my blood work done for my physical.   I have to have a yearly diabetes test since I was diabetic when pregnant with Tommy.  Since I hve been keep my weight down I have been fine.   At my physical the Dr said I had lost 14 pounds since my pysical a year ago. 

When I got home we decided to go to the Drive-In Movie!  That was alot of fun!   We put the seats down in the back of the van and wrapped up in blankets and snuggled in the back to watch the movie.   Tommy LOVED going to the movie.  It was a double feature.  We figured that Tommy would be asleep by the second movie, but hestayed up for both.  Josh, Amy, Hubby, tommy and I all played frisbee before the movie started.   It was a great memory for us all.  

movie-zoo 001

We didn’t get home until after midnight!  Wow, we haven’t been out that late in ages.  Tommy fell asleep as soon as we started driving.  Josh has a picture of Tommy and I in the back of the van that I will share later. 


I took the dog to get grommed.  Then we were off to run errands.  we spent some time at the library and had a nice day out.  At the library I picked up the coolest thing for my book group.  They have book club bags which include 10 copies of the book and a binder with questions and interviews with the author etc.  I also picked up a number of great books I had reserved.  I will be busy when in Duluth.  I hope to get alot of reading done!

We came home and relaxed for the evening.  I read my book for book group.  I hope to have it done by Thursday. 


We over slept and missed church.  We ended up watching on TV.   I finished reading my book for bookgroup and then I ran to Rainbow as I had a raincheck for Smart Ones Dinner for $1.00 each.  I have those most days for lunch at work.  We put away the groceries and made a picnic lunch and headed to Como Park Zoo and Conservatory for the day.   The library has free passses for many museums around the Twin Cities so we are going to try and check those out through the Museum Adventure Pass Program.   We hope to be able to check out the passes for the MN Zoo as they have their baby animals right now.  That is always fun for Tommy as he enjoys feeding the animals and petting them.   We also want to go to the Science Museum.

Our day today at the zoo was pretty rainy, but we made the best of it.  We did get out picnic in which was a plus. 


 movie-zoo 002
Tommy outside the Primates Building

movie-zoo 003
Tommy and Mom in The Tropics Room

movie-zoo 005

Tommy riding the Giraffes

 movie-zoo 006

Tommy chasing the slippery water toy he got at the Zoo Gift Shop

movie-zoo 007

Tommy and Dad

movie-zoo 008
Tommy with the Orchids in the Conservatory

movie-zoo 009 movie-zoo 010 movie-zoo 011

I just love the colors of the conservatory!!  It is so beautiful and the smell in there is nice. 

 movie-zoo 012
Some strange plant from Mexico, can’t remember the name of it. 

Tommy fell asleep on the way home from the zoo, so hubby and I took advantag of that.  Hubby caught a nap on the couch and I read in the bedroom for a few hours.  I started a book I had picked up at the library.  I am not sure when I read the review of it.  I frequently read the magazine “Bookmarks” to find new authors and titles to read.  My “to Be Read” pile and list are way too ambitious!  I started a book called Heart Shaped Box, which is not a type of book I read much anymore.  It is more of a horror type book, but I thought I would give it a try.  I have read the first 100 pages and am interested so far.  I want to finish it before I go to Duluth.  I don’t want to be reading a horror book when alone in the hotel room.  

Other Books on My TBR Pile from the Library:

I am ready for an early bedtime tonight!!  I hope Tommy cooperates with that.  Tomorrow will be a busy day around the house for me.   I would like to get groceries tomorrow evening as well. 

*** Look Below for Lots of Pictures from Family Outings and Easter***

Finished Reading :

Geisha: A Life – Mineko Iwasaki – 3/5

0 thoughts on “OUR WEEKEND

  1. I really enjoyed Sister of My Heart.  I thought I’d read the geisha book but I guess I read another one.

    It looks like y’all had a super time at your jaunts!

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