Quick Update…..

It is getting harder and hard to find time to update.   Let’s see….Thursday I returned to work in the afternoon.  I worked until about 6:30 and then I went to a friends house for Book Group!   It was a lot of fun.   We had a good turn out, 8 of the 10 of us made it there.  We have all been having trouble getting there each month, etc.  I just love all the women in my book group!   They are very wise and great fun.  

Friday was our Unit Retreat so both units of Child Developmental Disabilities social workers all got together to discuss things.  In the morning a medical supply complany came to demonstrate the products they have that are available through Medical Assistance.   LOL….a group of social worker and I demonstration on the absorption of diapers…pretty funny.    Then we talked about some general issues everyone was having in the work place.  I am so blissfully unaware of it all.  I tend to do my job and don’t really get involved in that sort of things.   I have enough to worry about just keeping up with my caseload.  

Friday we were anticipating a big snow storm so I went to get groceries for the next two weeks before the storm.   I again stayed within my budget.  I spent $102.73 at Aldi and $43.97 at Festival.  So a total for the next two weeks was $146.70!  My budget for two weeks is $160.00 so I did good.  I even bought laundry detergent so that was nearly $10.00 right there.  So it seems that it is more economical for me to shop every two weeks instead of weekly.  Hubby and Tommy stop by at the grocery store and helped me bag everything up.  Then we got home and unpacked everything and got ready for Family Movie Night.  We watched the movie, Flushed Away.   I love the snails or slugs or whatever they are!!

Saturday morning I got up early and ran errands.  I went to the library and things.  I was hoping to go to a friends surprise 40th birthday party in Lakeville in the evening, but the snow storm kept me home.   I really was looking forward to going!   Sunday we were digging out and just hanging around home. 

Monday – vacation was really over and I was back at work.  I was at the office by 9:30 and worked until about 11:00pm.  So about a 13 hour day!  But it felt good to get things organized and weed through all my mail, voice mail and emails from my time off.   Actually it must have been a good day since when I got home and wasn’t even upset when no one had done any dishes or laundry for me since I had to work late.  ARGH…so I did a load of laundry and washed up the dishes before heading to bed.   I just can’t stand to get up to a kitchen counter full of dirty dishes.  We don’t have a dishwasher so we hand wash everything.  

Tuesday – back at work around 9:30, but out in the field all day doing homevisits.   I never went to the office at all today.  I got home around 6:30 so it was a good day!  Only a 9 hour day!  I quickly made supper.  We have the onion chicken and that was very good!   I am taking the last piece for lunch! 

Erik is now doing it own laundry.  I had been waiting for him to initiate washing his clothes, but realized that isn’t going to happen.  He has just been re-wearing dirty clothes the last few days.  So I told him to do laundry tonight.  Tommy is finishing up a bath and then he and I are heading to bed.

Looks like a busy week, though I only need to work 2 hours on Friday so I will do that from home.   YEAH…maybe I can sleep in until 7:00 when I have to get up with Erik.   I hope to not work too many hours over the weekend, but I am trying to get caught up on time reporting.  


I found the website of Lara Gallagher, the Lazy Organizer and really like it!  I think I must have stumbled on to the site from the Laura’s site, Organizing Junkie!   The lazy organizer has these great bags I want to order.  I think the largest one will work great to store my cross stitch project I am working on.  This time of year I work on it alot as I attend two major conferences and cross stitch during the trainings.   There are a number of great little things I have found lately that I want to purchase.  LOL!!!   This week I bought the Picture Book Preschool curriculum and will be doing that with Tommy and at the daycare I hope.  

That is it for me tonight….. I am off to bed, hope you have  a great night!!!  I guess that wasn’t such a quick update!  LOL!!

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Quick Update…..

It is getting harder and hard to find time to update.   Let’s see….Thursday I returned to work in the afternoon.  I worked until about 6:30 and then I went to a friends house for Book Group!   It was a lot of fun.   We had a good turn out, 8 of the 10 of us made it there.  We have all been having trouble getting there each month, etc.  I just love all the women in my book group!   They are very wise and great fun.  

Friday was our Unit Retreat so both units of Child Developmental Disabilities social workers all got together to discuss things.  In the morning a medical supply complany came to demonstrate the products they have that are available through Medical Assistance.   LOL….a group of social worker and I demonstration on the absorption of diapers…pretty funny.    Then we talked about some general issues everyone was having in the work place.  I am so blissfully unaware of it all.  I tend to do my job and don’t really get involved in that sort of things.   I have enough to worry about just keeping up with my caseload.  

Friday we were anticipating a big snow storm so I went to get groceries for the next two weeks before the storm.   I again stayed within my budget.  I spent $102.73 at Aldi and $43.97 at Festival.  So a total for the next two weeks was $146.70!  My budget for two weeks is $160.00 so I did good.  I even bought laundry detergent so that was nearly $10.00 right there.  So it seems that it is more economical for me to shop every two weeks instead of weekly.  Hubby and Tommy stop by at the grocery store and helped me bag everything up.  Then we got home and unpacked everything and got ready for Family Movie Night.  We watched the movie, Flushed Away.   I love the snails or slugs or whatever they are!!

Saturday morning I got up early and ran errands.  I went to the library and things.  I was hoping to go to a friends surprise 40th birthday party in Lakeville in the evening, but the snow storm kept me home.   I really was looking forward to going!   Sunday we were digging out and just hanging around home. 

Monday – vacation was really over and I was back at work.  I was at the office by 9:30 and worked until about 11:00pm.  So about a 13 hour day!  But it felt good to get things organized and weed through all my mail, voice mail and emails from my time off.   Actually it must have been a good day since when I got home and wasn’t even upset when no one had done any dishes or laundry for me since I had to work late.  ARGH…so I did a load of laundry and washed up the dishes before heading to bed.   I just can’t stand to get up to a kitchen counter full of dirty dishes.  We don’t have a dishwasher so we hand wash everything.  

Tuesday – back at work around 9:30, but out in the field all day doing homevisits.   I never went to the office at all today.  I got home around 6:30 so it was a good day!  Only a 9 hour day!  I quickly made supper.  We have the onion chicken and that was very good!   I am taking the last piece for lunch! 

Erik is now doing it own laundry.  I had been waiting for him to initiate washing his clothes, but realized that isn’t going to happen.  He has just been re-wearing dirty clothes the last few days.  So I told him to do laundry tonight.  Tommy is finishing up a bath and then he and I are heading to bed.

Looks like a busy week, though I only need to work 2 hours on Friday so I will do that from home.   YEAH…maybe I can sleep in until 7:00 when I have to get up with Erik.   I hope to not work too many hours over the weekend, but I am trying to get caught up on time reporting.  


I found the website of Lara Gallagher, the Lazy Organizer and really like it!  I think I must have stumbled on to the site from the Laura’s site, Organizing Junkie!   The lazy organizer has these great bags I want to order.  I think the largest one will work great to store my cross stitch project I am working on.  This time of year I work on it alot as I attend two major conferences and cross stitch during the trainings.   There are a number of great little things I have found lately that I want to purchase.  LOL!!!   This week I bought the Picture Book Preschool curriculum and will be doing that with Tommy and at the daycare I hope.  

That is it for me tonight….. I am off to bed, hope you have  a great night!!!  I guess that wasn’t such a quick update!  LOL!!

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