Lovely Sunday At Home….

Today has been a nice day at home.  Today in Minnesota it is 8 degrees below zero.   BRRRR…so it is a good day to stay inside and bake and clean.   We headed out to church this morning.  It was so nice to be at church.  I really feel off when we don’t make it there on a Sunday.   Tommy had a good time in Sunday School playing with his friend Ryan. 

After church we went to Kohl’s to take advantage of their great home sale they were having.   I am so excited about our purchases.   We bought new towels.  Now, Erik, Hubby and I each have our own color of towels and each have 4 for the week.   I hope this will help with everyone using their towels more than once.  I will have Erik keep his in his room, so that should help him remember he has only 4 towels until I wash again.   I also bought a new vacuum cleaner.  I am so happy with it.  It is one with a hepa filter so it should help with some allergies, etc.  I also found great deals on jackets.   I found a fall jacket for Tommy for $5.00 and a Nike Winter Jacket ($30) for him.  I also bought Tommy 2 pairs of jeans for school.  He is now in a size 7, we seem to have skipped right over size 6 and went straight to 7.  I always try to stock up at the year end sales, which really helps with school shopping.  I will only have to buy school clothes for Erik this next year.  Tommy will be going to a private christian school and will wear a uniform each day.  That makes for easy shopping!   Hubby really needed pants for work so he found 3 pairs in his size and two pairs of jeans.  

After shopping we drove their McDonald’s since it was already after 1:00 and I didn’t have time to make our usual brunch after church.  After we ate, Josh put together my new vacuum and I vacuumed and vacuumed.  LOL!!  I sure get excited about weird stuff.   I love being able to take care of my house.   Hubby went out to make a couple of purchases for his parents and then went over to their house.  After that I think he was going to go to a friends house to watch the game for a bit until he needed to pick up Erik from his mothers.   So Tommy and I have enjoyed a lovely afternoon together.  We decided to bake muffins.   We made “Muffins That Taste Like Doughnuts”.   I can’t remember whose xanga site I got the recipe, but Thanks!!  They are so good!  We also made mini lemon poppy seed muffins.  

muffins 004

Momma’s Little Chef……

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Tommy Loves to Cook….

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Our End Products……..what’s left…..


Tommy Pic of Mommy Making Muffins….

Hubby just came home.  Supper Time… I have had White Chicken Chili in the crockpot all day.  After supper I will be doing more laundry..and laundry. 

Oh I forgot to mention.  Hubby and I actually went out on a date last night!  What a rare event for us.  We went to the play Criminal Mind at the Lakeshore players.  It was really good.  We also bought tickets for the next production in March.  Then we are sure to go out!  


4 thoughts on “Lovely Sunday At Home….

  1. Great deals you got at Kohl’s!

    Tommy looks like he had a good time baking with you!  I think it’s so important for Mom’s that have sons to teach them how to cook & bake in the kitchen.  : )

    Have a good week.

  2. OMG those pictures are adorable!! I love Tommy’s chef uniform. Where’d you get that? Tristan loves to help me in the kitchen, especially baking. Can you pleeeeease share that recipe? Those muffins look sooo tasty!

  3. I love Kohls! They are going to open one in our area soon and I cant wait, I have not shopped in one since we moved from VA ( 8 years ago).

    BBBRRRR it is mighty cold there, hope you are keeping warm!

    Your little chef is so handsome! 🙂

    Blessings, K

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