Hey everyone….I have worked a couple of hours and now I think I will take a little lunch break and read or sleep.    LOL!!    I need to start working on my Menu for next week.  I am getting a bit unmotivated about that as well.  This week has been going as planned menuwise.  I do have to put the beans in to rinse tonight for the soup tomorrow.   I hope you are having a great day!!

My favorite website for menu planning???   Menus 4 Moms: Free weekly Menus for Busy Cooks – What a life saver!!    

MY MENU THIS WEEK:  1/21 – 1/28

21st – BRUNCH: Brunch Bake
          SUPPER:  Favorite MeatLoaf/ Mashed Potatoes and Corn ** Good Add To Webpage **


23rd – Thanksgiving in A Pan

24th – Chicken Enchiladas – Spanish Rice

25th – 15 – Bean Soup – Crockpot 8-10 hrs (Rinse Beans Overnight)  ** Not a Winner**

26th (Fam. Movie Night) – Tacos (Hard and Soft)
       Easy Mexican Dip / Corn Chips ** Good Add To Webpage **

27th – Cheesy Pots and Ham – Crockpot 7 to 9 Hrs – My New Fix and Foget – pg 146  **Ok, Not Great**


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